Your Love's Like || 43

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"Why would you invite a freaking stranger to our house?!?" Ceci panics.

"She's not a stranger. She's a friend." I say calmly.

"What do you mean she's a friend?!? She kissed your boyfriend." Sarah says emphasizing the your.

"He lied to her. And I've got a brilliant plan." I smirked, evilly.

The girls saw my smirk, and they understood what's gonna happen and just nodded in response. Just seconds later, their was a knock on the door. That must be her.

---time lapse---

"So, we're gonna pretend everything is alright and, like, nothing happened?" Kate asks furrowing her eyebrows. I nod.

"When do we start?" Sabrina asks.

"Tomorrow." Kate and I say together. And grin evilly. What's up with me grinning or smirking evilly?

---next day---

"Good morning, Luke!" I greeted him like nothing happened.

He looked at me with a confused expression, "Is everything alright?"

"Nothing. I'm just happy." I say handing him his breakfast and giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Okaaaayy??" He says prolonging the A and making it sound like a question.

And on cue Sabrina, Rowan, and Paris enter the room. "Good morning!" I greeted them.

"Good morning to you too!" Rowan smiles and Paris and Sabrina give him a death glare.

"Okay. Why are you two mad at me, and she's not?" He stopped eating and placed his hands on his lap.

"You're hogging all the food." Paris says blankly, with no expression.

"Oh." He says pushing the rest of the food to them.

My phone rang. I checked to see the caller ID. Kate.

"Hello. Olivia speaking." I said as if it was for another person.

"Hey, uhh, just wonderin'. Do you guys like to go shopping?" Kate said in the other side with a smile. I can't see her but, I know she's smiling.

"Yeah, sure. What time?" I ask.

"Well, probably 2."

"Okay, bye Kate!" I exclaimed, I turned to see Luke having his "guilty eyes".

"Bye, Livi! See you." She hung up and I put down my phone on the counter.

"Who was that?" Luke asks, as if he doesn't know anybody named Kate.

"My new friend. Kate." I say, trying to hold my laughter.

"Oh, okay." He says walking out the kitchen.

Oh no. Liv knows someone named Kate. I just hope it's not the Kate, I cheated on her with.

It's already 1, so I decided to get ready. I took a quick shower and changed into my grey jeans and wore a black tank top. It was quite chilly out, so I grabbed my black leather jacket and put it on and paired it with my black boots. I grabbed my car keys and my purse and headed out.

I got to my garage and went to my black Audi A4. I started the engine and went to the mall.

*Skip car ride*

I'm at the mall. And met up with Livi and the rest of the girls. For the whole day, we were developing our plan.

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