Your Love's Like || 9

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It's late and I couldn't sleep. I stood up and sat next to the window and just stared at the stars. They're so beautiful. I leaned on the window and just wondered how the stars kept staying beautiful.

"Beautiful, aren't they?"

I looked to see who it was.

"Hey." I gave a small smile.

She smiled back. "Why are you up? It's late."

I looked back at the stars. "Can't sleep."

"Same." She sat beside me by the window.

"Sab, why can't you sleep?"

She looked at me. "I don't know, Row. I don't know."

We stared at it for a good 3 minutes. Then suddenly she started singing.

"We are young, we are gold.
Trying things we didn't know.
Looking at the sky, see it come alive.
All our fears become our hopes.
Climbed down every locked window.
We rode the lions mane and fell upon the rain." She sang so beautiful.

"We can reach the constellations,
Trust me, all our dreams are breaking out." I sang.

One by one everybody woke up, and joined us in singing.

"Oh ooh ooh oh oh. We'll be the stars! Oh ooh ooh oh oh. We'll be the stars! Oh ooh ooh oh oh. We'll be the stars!
Oh ooh ooh oh oh. We'll be the stars!" The song ended and everyone just looked out the window and stare at the stars.

"I know a better place we can stay." Austin said leaving the room.

All of us followed him and entered this big room with a glass ceiling.

We all lied down on the carpet and just stared. It was quiet but it was beautiful.

I woke up and everyone else is asleep except Austin. He wasn't in the room anymore. I went down to the kitchen to check if he was there and I was right.

"Good morning." I greeted him when his back was turned.

He faced my direction and smiles. "Good morning."

"So what are you cooking?"

"Just making pancakes for everybody."

I go near him and took the spatula from him. Our hands met, and so did our eyes. He was leaning in and so was I. Then, boom! We kissed. We we're kissing when somebody walked in.

"Won't the pancakes burn?" We pulled apart and realized Bradley has ruined our moment.

"What's that smell? Smells like something's burning." Sabrina walks in. Austin and I blushed.

"I think they're not the pancakes." Rowan says getting one.

Sarah and Jake smirked. "Oh, what happened here?" Peyton asks taking a seat.

"Piper and Austin kissed." Bradley smiled.

"Oooohhh!!" Everyone said smiling.

"PAUSTIN!!" Rowan yelled. "I ship it." She smiled.

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