Lost in Space: "Wanted Man..." Part 15

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Lost in Space: "Wanted Man..."

Summary: Smith's past...And the Space Tribunal catch up with him.

Stranded once again due to needed repairs on an unknown planet in a star system far from Earth (or Alpha Centauri), the Robinson, Major West, Dr. Smith, and the Robot are about to encounter an old foe. Several, actually.

Part 15...

"Whatever this force is..." John reasons to Sagramore, Don, and the Tribunal judges in attendance behind their forward barrier. "It doesn't seem to weaken with distance. Tell me, Judge Icho?" He turns to the Judge just beyond the barrier. "The other females were quite far from this planet when they became affected?"

Electrostatic discharges on the Judge's form... "Quite distant, Professor Robinson. Their petitions to us came from various planets from across the Galaxy, including the Green Dimension, and the home planets of the others."

"Unaffected by interstellar distance, remarkable." Sagramore ponders. "And according to the records of my people's technology, never encountered by my kind."

"Nor the members of this Tribunal." Judge Icho notes. "Which is why once it was recognized they were being influenced at such vastly distant points that it was imperative we sought to find the source and who controls this force. "

"So this whole hearing, confronting Smith? Was simply bait? You were using Smith as your lightning rod?" John eyes the Judge.

"Once we realized the potential danger of this force, we deemed it necessary. Though it was not our intention to put your party or Dr. Smith in danger." Judge Icho replies.

"But now it looks like he is..." Will notes.

"That is unfortunate. But given this force could plunge many star systems into needless war, the needs of the Galaxy must outweigh the safety of any individual."

"And your ships weren't able to track Farnum's vessel?" John asks.

"Unfortunately the ship has now made an emergency jump in hyperspace...Very difficult to trace even if you are prepared." The Judge notes

"Meaning Dr. Smith and Penny could be...Anywhere?" Will asks.

"That, regrettably, is so."

"John?!" Maureen called from where Don was keeping her under guard with Judy. The Robot assisting.

"Is there any word on Dr. Smith?" anxious look.

"I'm afraid not yet, darling. But the Tribunal hopes to find him soon."

"You should have stopped them!" Judy glares at Maureen. "You lost Dr. Smith to that alien girl of Farnum's!!"

"Judy...Your mom's not responsible." Don tries.

"You hurt me!" she glares at him. "You wouldn't help me get Dr. Smith!! Who knows what's happened to him?" despairingly. "I might as well be..." she shakes head.

"Judy..." he reaches for her.

"Don't come near me!"putting up hands frantically. Don sighing and nodding as he stepped back.

"John? You'd better help Don with Judy. She's distraught." Maureen, calmly.

"You fool! You old fool!!" Judy cries to her, furious red face now.

"Judy, you shouldn't talk to your mother like that." Don, sternly.

"Thank you, Don." Maureen nods.

"Don! Careful!" John calls. "Don't trust either of them."

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