Unicorn Max (Rainbow Planet):

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             "I got yeah!" I shouted to Dragon. I had sat him in a chair, and wrapped rope around his waste, and put a piece of tape on his mouth. He started screaming like a high pitch whistle. H He tried to breathe fire, but the fire did not go through the tape. I've always been kind of jealous of Dragon Magical. Half human, half dragon. He works out everyday, and  has strong bones. He eats healthy everyday, and  has strong bones. People had asked what his workout and  diet plan is. In an interview on The Purple City Weekly Times Alison Gilded asked him this question:

        "So, what is your workout routine, and  what is your diet?" She asked him.

        Dragon Magical said it was just as simple as this: diet and exercise. But, good golly, such fine abs.

     Anyways: Next to me is my best friend, Macho the Invisible Leopard Man. Macho the Invisible Leopard Man is very buff, goes to a boxing gym every day, his skin is leopard skin, and he also has the power of invisibility. In his hand, Macho the Invisible Leopard Man had some sort of explosive device he'd invented. He threatened to use it on Dragon. I questioned Macho the Leopard Man: "wouldn't that make us left for dead, and  have us be covered with our own blood?" Macho the Leopard Man said that because we are fast, and  have good daily workout routines, he said we'd be able to run away from the situation like, and  have the power to protect ourselves.

          "Your father will be so happy about this!" Macho the Invisible Leopard man explained, "Oh gosh, I am so happy for you!" Macho the Leopard Man had a gun over his shoulder, a rifle. I giggled, an evil giggled.

          "Alright, alright. Calm yourself down." I said to Macho the Leopard Man, "Let's get down to business. So, Dragon, I've captured you. Our guy, Believer who believes in everything and has the best magical powers ever, is coming from outer space tonight. I'm going to put you in a jail cell where he will capture you, and put you on his space ship— my father will be so proud of me. Tsk, tsk. You'd thought I'd be a good superhero? Never." I said, and meant it.

          "I feel he has something to say, Dragon here, and I want him to say it quickly and his last and final words before he well, ehem, dies." Macho the Invisible Leopard Man said.

     "I guess you're right, I guess you're right." I repeated. I took the duct tape, roughly, off his mouth, and he screamed, "OUCH!" really loud.

       "Wow," I said with emphasis, "You are supposed to be a superhero? You are such a weak minded loser of an individual!" I spat.

"No- no I am not. You'll never ever destroy me." Dragon said, "never. Mark my words."

      " Alright." I responded, "Mach the Invisible Leopard Man, please put the hot pink duct tape back on his mouth."  Macho the Invisible Leopard Man put the hot pink duct tape on his mouth. Just then we all heard Macho the Invisible Leopard Man's phone ring. RING, RING, Ring! It was Believer- the guy who believes in everything, and has the most powerful forms of magic possible.

"Hey, my man." Macho the Invisible Leopard Man said, "What up?"

      He hung the phone. I heard Believer's loud voice- he would capture Dragon sooner than I thought.

        "Awww Ooo, this is awesome!" I said, "AFTER that, I am going to phone my father who is in Purple City, at the Villian Corporation Inc!" I shouted, "He'll never step foot of SuperHero Corporation Inc ever, and EVER again, and boom, that's a happily ever after for us!"

 We all cheered, Macho the Invisible Leopard Man gave me a big high five, but a little too rough though.....

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