05. But Shouldn't You Say More?

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ When Art lead Maisie throughout the party, making her forget all about her worries as she laughed along his foolish drunkenness, she didn't expect him to ask something so boldly. "Let's have dinner once."

The loud music resorted into Art leaning close to Maisie's ear when he said those four words. "What?" She stammered but even though she couldn't see it, she knew Art had that memorable smirk painted on his face. He told her it didn't have to be anything fancy, it was just something casual. He said it was a way of him seeking forgiveness for leaving her in the dark.

She doesn't know what clouded her mind to say yes. Maybe it was his pitiful eyes that reflected the party lights or it was the way his breath tickled her neck when he pleaded for a second chance. 

While it may not look it, she took time in figuring out which shirt she would wear. She concluded that pairing her jeans with a white cardigan top looked casual enough. It was embarrassing for her that she even put in some effort when Art was still wearing the shirt she assumes he wore for practice. 

"Where have you been anyway?"

The question caught Maisie off guard for a moment, "What do you mean?"

Art's eyes narrowed to her as if analysing her before putting another fry in his mouth. "I mean, I've visited your house a few summers but have we really spoken since we met? You were always somewhere else." He then pointed at her accusingly, "By the way, perfectly good excuse for not remembering you instantly!"  

Maisie let out a lighthearted laugh before leaning into her seat, crossing one arm while the other held her raspberry soft drink.

"Italy." she looked out the window, watching a few cars drive pass before continuing, "Sometimes writing camps, sometimes I would go to Italy."

"Italy!?" Art exclaimed as his jaw hung open, "every summer?"

"Some summers."

Maisie placed her drink on the table before grabbing one of Art's fries, "I would go to Rome and stay at my aunt and uncle's. I was always their favourite Zweig child anyway." 

A chuckle left Art's lips, "How was it? Italy?"

Maisie pressed her lips together as she tapped her fingers onto the table, unaware of Art noticing it. 

"It's nice," she smiled but avoided eye contact for what she said next, "It might sound really weird but it had a sense of romance to it, you know? I didn't like the crowds, it was sometimes filthy but whenever I sat out the balcony of my aunt and uncle's house to look over their neighbourhood, it was pretty."


Maisie shyly nodded, "In a way, yeah."

Art smiled to himself as he lowered his head, "Must have had a few summer lovers, huh?"

The girl before him hesitated for a moment. She tapped her fingers on the surface twice more, "Not really, if I'll be honest."

Art's eyes drew back to her, "I wasn't interested in short term." Maisie stated, "I didn't even like high school relationships."

"How about now?"

Maisie tilted her head, "Hm?"

Art leaned his head back into the booth, "You're in college, how do you feel about a relationship now?"

Maisie didn't answer, instead the two set their eyes on each other as a comfortable silence grew. Amongst the chatters of other tables, Art's eyes didn't dare tear from Maisie's gaze. She didn't either.

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