Transport Future (Purple City, Flashback):

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           I've unlocked the keys to travel to Future Earth, and got to travel to Future America. This is founded many light years away from us. While we were celebrating Christmas, Future America was celebrating Fourth of July, as in our Independence Day.

           When I got there, Future America was packed with life. Instead of humans, they were just little "Dust Balls." These Dust Balls are made of different elements of life, and used to be part of someone elses soul. When I met these Dust Balls they barely recognized I was there. They had only very tiny eyes, and actually had a long pink tail, and they had wings. Think a rat, but shaped as a Dust Ball. They all spoke in such monotone voices, and listened to Old Patriotic Songs that is part of our America.

         They were playing the song "Stars and Stripes Forever." With the time being, I was not there to celebrate Independence Day with them, rather, I wanted to steal something from their Sattelight Tower. I wanted to steal a Firework Bomb that they display every Independence Day, in case anyone invades their planet.

      I highly doubt it— no one knew about Future America yet. Only I did, as I got the secrets from our Mayor, Rudy Purple, because he was drunk, and  I broke into his office. He was always fascinated by Future America. As I climbed their Sattelight Tower, I heard the "Dust Ball" rats sing;

"Hurrah for the flag of the free,
May it wave as our standard forever,
The gem of the land and the sea,
The banner of the right...."

          Instead of this song being preppy like it normally was, the "Dust Balls" sang it in a squeaky monotone singing voice. As I looked around, I saw "Dust Balls" traveling in Huts, and  eating some type of worms. And, apparently, these "Dust Balls" had tiny arms, rat like, arms. One "Dust Ball" raised his hand up high, and  showed Future America's flag which had quite changed. Instead of it being red, white, and blue, with stars, and  stripes, it had a picture of a "Dust Ball" in front of it, still had stripes, stars spread apart, and a red white, and  blue crown on top of the "Dust Ball's" head. Someone had chanted:

"We had won the war, once, and  for all!"

     It was kind of cute, they had some squeaky voices. I avert myself from the situation, and  started to reach for the "Sattelight Tower" where it had the FireWork Bomb where Mr. Alberto Brutal said it could be in good use to fight the Superhero Universe. As I went to retrieve the  FireWork Bomb, I felt someone grab me with force.

      "STOP! STOP!" It was a "Dust Ball" screaming, it's voice suddenly becoming louder, "You cannot steal that!"

           I looked down upon the weird creature, & I was shooketh (don't know why I just spoke in a Shakesperian tone). I fell down from a ladder, & felt like I was floating into space.

         "YOU!" That same "Dust Ball" yelled, "Are to tell about your crime on our podium called The Independence Day Podium, where you are to tell about your wrong doings."

            Someone then handcuffed me- my arms, and  my ankles. As they were doing this, I felt a shocking sensation: "hey, hey, that was not necessary."The "Dust Ball" looked like he had no idea what I was saying. The "Dust Balls" made me drink this weird substance, so I could speak in their language, to tell them about my wrong doings. A "Dust Ball" that was standing in front of me was guarding the FireWork Bomb for life. I  began to understand their language, as they began to understand mine. Their language is called: "Soularium." Because they do not have a soul, they just that, weird looking dustball creatures.


      "So yeah, this was about one of the craziest Future Planets that I have ever seen, Mr. Alberto Brutal."Mr. Alberto clapped his hands together. He mentioned how those "Dust Balls" seemed like pretty weird creatures.

     "Well, you got the FireWork Bomb from them, and  with negotiation." He stammered. He drank a sip of nice warm coffee, "And, you know: you never really tell me about Future Planets, so I wanted to see what Future America is like."

      He added this information into a computer, and labeled this as "Future Planets Data: Dust Ball America." As he typed in those words, he chuckled, and  said to me,

      "Man, these Dust Balls are some weird kind of creatures, and let's hope we never cross paths with them again." I nodded my head.

          "Yes. I agree. But my important trip is to get to Dagger Hearts. The kid I will be working with, Secret Danger, his parents are there now, and Dagger Hearts are holding them captive, and that is my mission, is to release them. I'm sure it will be easy. I want to bring Secret's family back, and  I'd like to take him with me." As Mr. Alberto Brutal was drinking his coffee, and about to finish it up, he spat it out of his mouth.

          "I don't think he'll be ready for that. Yeah, mentoring him is one thing, but taking him to a Future Planet is a whole different kind of level to embark!" I nodded my head, and  walked away. Before walking away, I said to him:

      "Congratulations on your grandson, he's super cute, and  I am proud of your little family." Mr. Alberto Brutal did not say anything, but he managed to say something under his breath, although I could not figure out what he was saying either to me, or to himself.

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