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The sound of music pumped through her ears making her drink vibrate through her red plastic cup.

Her eyes stayed glued to her phone as she desperatly begged for a response.

                         taze 🤞
             ### ##### ####### ####

yhh the mandem
might pullup later
seen  7:23

                                      tazer where you

                                      are you okay?

She sighed in acceptance and put her phone in her back pocket downing the rest of her drink.

"stop frowning over some dick" her friend said shoving her shoulder.

"mm" she hummed into her cup. It wasn't some dick it was her partner but her hoe friends wouldn't get that.

"make some noise if your repping west London"

"and is south London here or what"

The crowd around her erupted in laughter and she rolled her eyes and leaned back against the wall. She just wanted to go home.

"im coming back I need to get the door" Her friend yelled over the music into her ear as she nodded in response.

"what's he doing here?" She heard someone say over the music making her whip her head around.

It was him.

Her jaw loosely dropped as ayo and his side kicks entered the party. She couldn't read his face but she knew his friends were happy to be there.

He slowly walked over to her as if it were for dramatic effect or something.

She sighed as he leaned against the wall beside her in silence whilst the beat continued pumping throughout their ears.

"so where have you been then tazer" she said in annoyance, turning to face him as he stayed looking straight.

"out innit"

"Tayo dont piss me off I told you to stop doing this shit don't act like I'm a stranger"

"im not acting like your a fucking stra-"

"the sizer boys are outside" he was rudely abruped by the host. "they're saying if you don't come outside then their coming inside"

"tazer chill don't" she said grabbing onto his hoodie. "you already know what the streets are like and half the boys aren't even here" she pleaded with him.

He harshly pulled out of her grasp running with the rest of his friends to hear what the six boys had to say.

"aye tazer im gunna carve a six into your forehead" she heard chucky scream from outside.

As if that sent him over the edge he ran outside with the rest of the tb following him.

As if on instinct she ran after him, not wanting to miss if anything bad happend to him.

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