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"mhm. yes ma. ma- okay okay"  she giggled on the phone to her mum who was clearly not over the fact she had moved out.

"mama i have to gooo" she said trying to swiftly end her conversation as she had promised to call and meet tazer for a real conversation.

"mhm yeah i love yo-"


Oceans phone was knocked out of her hand into the street making a shattering sound as she collapsed not far from it.

"what the fuck?" She said gripping her head in pain confused of what had just occurred.

She squinted her eyes slightly looking up seeing a tallish darksinned man looking down at her with a look that gave her the heeby jeebies.

"Ocean?" He said getting closer to her inspecting her facial features.

"uhm. should I know your name too?" She said twisting her face at her.

"and nigga are you blind or what? you cant give me a hand?" She said loosing her patience.

"oh sorry" he quickly said holding out his hand to pull her up which she accepted.

"oh shit my phone." She said running to grab it from the floor.

"nononono" she said tapping her home screen holding her head as it refused to answer to her taps

"i am so sorry about your phone" the man said trying to keep her in the same vicinity as him.

"don't be, your the one paying for it" she said sassing him.

"And sorry where do I know you from again?" She said concerned of how he knew her name and not appreciating his apology as it wouldn't bring her phone back.

"my names micheal. and i think i have some stuff your going to want to know, we can speak in private" he said leading the direction to a nearby restaurant.

"are you crazy? im not going anywhere with you. your a grown man who just fucked up my phone" she said backing away from him inspecting her phone which was no longer turning on.

"okay okay I see how this looks but i promise you i mean good. this is serious ocean."


"superpowers? really? if you wanted to kidnap me you didn't need to make up some dumb story you shouldve just grabbed me" she said rolling her eyes pushing her chair back getting ready to leave.

"wait no ocean. im not crazy. i saw you. you could move the ground with your mind." He said grabbing her wrist to prevent her from leaving.

"i think you have the wrong girl because I can't even walk down the road without tripping over the flat pavement let alone control it" she said laughing at him.

"can you atleast try?" He begged her.

"negro if my phone wasn't cracked up I would've called a mental asylum to take you away." She said actually standing up this time.

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