School dance

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I take my seat in my 7th and final period class- English- ugh

"... does anyone know what comes after a copulative verb?" asks Ms. Torres


"Come on! Use common sense!"


Wtf is a copulative Verb! Ugh I didn't study my notes

Gretchen, the smartest girl in class, raises her hand and says "A subjective complement, obviously."

*bell rings*

"Class! Remember the Disney Dance is tonight!"

Woohoo I can't wait! I'm gonna be Snow White. Sofias gonna be Belle and Misty is gonna be Sleeping Beauty. It's gonna be so much fun!

"Ha! I'm gonna be Prince Florian!" One boy says.

(That's Snow Whites Prince if u didn't know)

Ugh boys can be so annoying...


I walk out the door and meet my friends:


"Chill Sofia!" Misty says.

Misty is like the mom of the group 😂

"What if Logan asks you to dance..." Sofia asks Misty

"Hey! Lower your voice!" Misty says.

"Ugh u guys are too funny. lets go! My moms waiting!" I say as I tug their arms.

"Destiny! Don't you have a Prince Charming?" Sofia says

"Spill!!!" Misty says excitedly

"Ugh, no I don't have a Prince Charming! No one likes me! Look at this face!" I say as I squeeze my cheeks together

"Girl be quiet you are flawless!" Misty says as she lightly punches my arm.

We hop in my moms SUV and I tease Sofia:

"So... how's your Prince Charming??! Michael??!"

"I don't have a crush on MICHAEL!!" She says

"Yea u do it's obvious!!!"

"UGHHHH fine" she says

Later on that night

I zip up my Blue and Yellow dress and lace up my Red Socks And put on my black heels.

I walk out of my room with Misty and Sofia's jaws dropped and eyes widened.

"GURL. UR HOT" Sofia says


A few mins later we arrive at the dance. As I open the doors I hear the song "LA Love" by Fergie and my Best friend Hannah -dressed as Merida- in front of the dance floor.

Logan looks over at Misty and drops his jaw. then next to Logan is a boy, blue eyes, dirty blonde hair with a quiff and dressed as Prince Florian??! Ugh hé was sooooo adorbss 😍

The next song came on: Apple Bottom Jeans

Ugh, when this song came on. I couldn't wait for it to end because all the girls were twerking.. ew.

Two hours later

I'm exausted. 4 slow songs came on and no one asked me 😑. Misty and Sofia got theirs but I have no luck.

*Thinking out loud starts*

Ugh I hate this song. I danced this song in 7th grade with the boy I was madly in love with. little did I know he lied about liking me. I could never trust any boy again. he broke my heart. Forever.


I look behind me and see the boy..

"Um.. Hi."


"Well, Florian, Im Snow White."

"Wanna dance?"

"Um.. yea.."

He grabs my hand and escorts me to the dance floor.

He pulls me closely and we dance the night away.

I check my phone and it reads 12:00 midnight.

"I have to leave" i say

I run to the door and get in my moms SUV

Since I have to work at the bakery tomorrow I gave myself a 12 o clock curfew.

"Snow wait!"

He never got my name.

I never got his name.

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