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Walking through the never-ending maze of blue stoned walls, Luna keeps the smiles knowing every direction to get to the main room. As her steps echo throughout, the halls, she hums in time with a bubbly tune. Reaching the doors, Luna hears voices from various people on the other side, most confused, but as soon as she opens the doors, all voices stop and stare at Luna "Welcome to the Dreamscape Palace!" She smiles big, Waiting for their reaction. Silence and confusion.
After a while a few recognize what is happening, as the few who know Luna continues "For those who are unaware, the Dreamscape Palace is a place where times runs its slowest, all of you are unconscious-" just as she says this, many *POOF* into clouds, Luna chuckles softly at the sight "Always happens, anyway..." Her smile widens "Before those few who woke up, I was going to say, this place is where you can stay as long as possible." She walks towards the center of the room, making sure everyone has their eyes on her "Now all of you are here, because of many different reasons, some are here by random chance, some are here... Because of more sorrowing reasons. And there's a variety between those and many other reasons. Now, when you're ready, you can start walking the halls!" Luna puts her hands behind her back, as her smile faltered with a serious tone being taken on. The room begin's to darken and the guests notice "But there's one warning... And one warning only." Her smile starts to take on a sinister note as she speaks her last words "I always know... I'm always watching. So don't misbehave in my domain~!"
Almost immediately, her expression goes back to bubbily and innocent "Anyway, have fun!" The guests start to walk away and look around, still shaken.

"Damn, never any different, huh Luna?" A giggle is heard from the same area the voice came from. Two people walk towards Luna, one having an elegant but firm stride, while the other skipping with barely a sound made, as she looks towards them, light shades of red and yellow become obvious to where they are from the contrast of the palace's interior. "Auntie Luna! how ya doin'?" As soon as she heard this, her face lights up as she hugs the smaller one "Malia, Echoli!"
"Luna." Echoli says, even with a lack of visible expression, at a first glance you couldn't tell what he was feeling, but like clockwork Luna could tell immediately. "So, Eco, how's Mali been while I was in the middle of the explination?" As she says this, she looks at Malia with a huge smile, waiting for the expectant answer. "They have behaved themself, usual... Definitely still better compared to when she was little."
"Hey!" Malia pouts, exaggeratedly. Luna starts to laugh heartily, as a small twinge of a smirk appears from Echoli. Malia breaks the facade giggling, letting go of the hug.

Looking at the rest of the guest slowly leave, Luna notices Malia's curiosity and smiles "Y'know, you've done what they're gonna do before multiple times."
"I know, I just..."
Echoli looks at Malia "Curiosity is obvious with you." As he says this Luna looks up at him "You know how they are, just let their curiosity drive them, they can deal with the outcome theirself. And anyway, they can't be harmed here" She gently shoves Malia towards the door "Go on sweetie, the titans need to talk." Almost on the get-go Malia rushes to the door and leaves with the last of the guests. Luna and Echoli look at each other "What? C'mon Eco-" Luna smiles, Echoli looks away from her at the doors "When do you think they will tell Sarrion and Alexandrite?" the smile disappears from Luna's face and she looks at the door. "I think it's time all 3 of us WAKE UP"
As soon as she says this, Malia, Echoli and Luna wake up from the dream.
Luna sits up and tries to wipe the tiredness from her eye, daylight shines through the room and sighs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26 ⏰

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