Chapter Two

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"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." – Psalm 37:4

Cole pushed open the door to Scottie's, causing two bells dangling from the handle to jingle. Along with a gust of A/C, he was also hit by a gust of a delicious smells and loud chatter. He strode across the light-colored wood floor towards the gang's usual booth, a circular table positioned in the corner of the restaurant. The second half of the building, the surf shop portion, was visible through a long glass window on the opposite end. Cole could see vintage boards, clothing, posters, and random knick-knacks piled on shelves.

As soon as Cole took his seat, the rest of the gang (minus Jake) followed suit. Blaine and Koa sat down next to him, while Alana and Maya sat across. Though they were dressed in dry, comfy clothes, everyone's hair still looked damp from that morning's surf session.

Blaine, the unofficial leader of their Sunday afternoon Bible study, pulled out his Bible and flipped to James 3. He cleared his throat, but just then, a pretty girl with jet-black hair and wide, brown eyes walked up to their table.

"Hey Nikki," Maya greeted her.

"Welcome back," she said in her pleasant voice, giving everyone a warm smile. "Am I taking your orders today?"

"Fries?" Blaine suggested to the group. They nodded. "Okay, three large fries, then," he said.

"Anything else?"

On second thought, they all pitched in orders for coffee. Nikki jotted their orders down and hurried back to the kitchen.

"Fries and coffee," Koa said with a grin. "Yum."

"At least no one asked for her number this time," Maya joked. All eyes turned to Cole.

"For the last time," he groaned, "it's not like that!"

They just laughed before quieting down to listen to Blaine. He led them in a short prayer, but Cole's eyes were darting around the diner. Though he was focused on what his brother was saying, he found it hard to concentrate. His gaze wandered from the old-fashioned menu hanging above the main counter to the checkered wallpaper lining the entirety of the Shack. He squeezed his eyes shut and forced himself to pay attention.

"Amen," Blaine said quietly, closing the prayer. "Okay, since we're starting a new chapter, who wants to begin reading?"

Maya was the first to volunteer, her high-pitched voice just barely rising above the din and chatter of Scottie's. A few moments later, Nikki reappeared with the fries and drinks. She had to make a second trip for the rest of their coffees before going to wait on another table. Cole noticed her eyes lingering on the open Bible for a moment before resting on Koa, who was reading where Maya had left off.

He knew it must be a little strange for Nikki to see a group of teenagers having their own Bible study, and in a public place, nonetheless. But ever since Cole had given his heart to Christ a month ago, he felt at peace about being a Christian. His outlook on life was totally different: he saw positively—purposefully—and he knew he could rely on God for strength and support. Most of all, he had a craving to learn more about God and Christianity, and he attempted to read his Bible for more information.

James 3 was no exception. "For every kind of beast and bird," Koa read, "of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue."

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