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Michiko took his hand, rising to her feet with a sense of determination and optimism. The path back to their home was bathed in the soft glow of twilight, the air cool and refreshing. As they walked, her thoughts continued to swirl, each step bringing her closer to the realization of her feelings and the courage to express them.

I can do this. She thought, her heart swelling with resolve. I can show kyojuro how much he means to me.

The journey home was filled with quiet conversation and shared memories, each moment strengthening the bond between father and daughter. The peaceful, nostalgic ambiance of the evening provided the perfect backdrop for michiko's reflections, her heart and mind aligned in a newfound sense of purpose. When they reached their home or rather a home only existing in the plane of that realm, the warmth and familiarity of the surroundings filled michiko with a sense of comfort and belonging.

While michiko lay in bed, her thoughts continued to drift back to the garden and the recent conversation that she had shared with akihiko. She replayed his words in her mind, each piece of advice resonating deeply within her. Trust in yourself and in the feelings you have for him. She reminded herself, her heart swelling with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

The room was filled with a quiet tension, the soft rustle of leaves outside the window barely audible over the sound of mitsuri's worried breathing. It had been nearly a month, three weeks currently since the terrifying events at yorunomura district, and michiko remained unconscious, her body marked by the brutal lacerations douma had inflicted through the scars. Mitsuri stood outside the room, her hands wringing nervously, unable to shake the anxiety that tugged at her heart.

Outside her room, the atmosphere was a mixture of tension and fragile hope. Mitsuri Kanroji stood with her hands clasped tightly together, her eyes reflecting a storm of genuine worry. She glanced over at shinobu Kocho, who was calm yet pensive, her expression betraying the deep concern she felt for her friend's fate. They were at the kocho mansion, the place having become a sanctuary of sorts, filled with quiet determination and a resolve to heal and protect.

"Shinobu-chan, I... I just can't stop worrying about michiko-chan." Mitsuri confessed, her voice breaking slightly. "It's been so long, and she still hasn't woken up. What if... what if she never does?"

Shinobu placed a reassuring hand on mitsuri's shoulder. "I understand your fears and worries, mitsuri. But you must remember, michiko-san is strong. She survived the worst of it, and now it's just a matter of time before she wakes up."

Mitsuri nodded, but her eyes were still clouded with worry. "I know you're right, but it's so hard to see her like this. She was always so full of life, so vibrant. Now she just lies there, so still..."

"I've done everything I can on my part, kanroji-san." Shinobu said softly. "Constant blood transfusions, meticulous care of her wounds. Her body is healing. We just need to be patient."

Mitsuri sighed, her shoulders slumping. "And kyojuro-san... he hasn't missed a day of visiting her. Every day he's here after or before missions, hoping that she'll wake up. It's heartbreaking."

Shinobu's expression softened at the mention of kyojuro, who had never been settled peacefully ever since michiko hasn't wake up from her slumber. "He's very dedicated. His visits have brought a lot of comfort, not just to michiko, but to all of us. His unwavering hope is inspiring."

"But what if it's not enough?" Mitsuri's voice trembled. "What if she doesn't wake up? How will we all cope with that?"

Shinobu squeezed mitsuri's shoulder gently though she feared the same thing as what mitsuri thought. "We can't think like that. We have to stay positive, for michiko's sake. Our hope and support are crucial for her recovery."

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