XXXV. End Of Time.

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XXXV. End Of Time.

Cate and Sam might've gotten a head start from the actions they displayed earlier, Marie, Jordan, Jude, and Emma were adamant about making sure they arrived so that there weren't any more problems

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Cate and Sam might've gotten a head start from the actions they displayed earlier, Marie, Jordan, Jude, and Emma were adamant about making sure they arrived so that there weren't any more problems.

With her back pressed against the elevator railing, Jude attempts to keep a neutral front as it takes them down to The Woods.

The elevator dings with the doors opening and Jordan steps out, looking around. They got out only to stop when they saw blood on the floor, and follow the trail to see a guard whose head had been punched in.

"Oh, Jesus," Jordan mutters and Jude turns her head to see all the metal doors in the wing are open and empty. With no Supes in sight.

"Shit," Jude mutters.

Marie inhales sharply, turning to Emma as she touches her hand, "Emma, you clear the Performing Arts Center," She continues with a nod, "Okay, teachers, administration."

"Jordan, you sweep the student union," Marie orders, and they nod slowly, "There's a panic button in Shetty's office. Under her desk. It'll lock down pretty much everything."

"We'll go together. Watch each other's backs." Jude speaks up. "It'll be better in case we run into any Supes."

"Okay," Marie nods, heading to the elevator. They push the button to call it again, and it comes quickly, never having left the floor.

They all pile into the elevator, and Emma quickly pushes the button to go up. Stepping out, everyone goes to focus on what was intended for them with Emma rushing to the Performing Arts Center and Marie heading towards Shetty's office.

Marie and Jude ran into Shetty's office, relieved that it was open, and grateful that they did not have to deal with guards.

Marie reached the desk before Jude could. Standing beside her, she watches as she presses the red panic button underneath Shetty's desk.

Alarms blare in the air, and clanging sounds reverberate throughout the entire campus. Nodding they both left the campus only to stop when loud electronic humming sounds in their head, causing both Marie and Jude to grab their heads in pain. As a Supe your hearing becomes ten times more intense.

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