Humans and Monsters

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We've seen some of the dragons, what about normal humans and monsters?

Papyrus hadn't seen Sans once waking up with several other monsters and humans, some familiar, some not, in a field. They had begun working together to survive and build a village. They had found other groups of monsters and humans and began building a large village with currently around 58 monsters and 79 humans. Various ages and species working together to build up a town. So far, only four buildings had been constructed, but it was good progress after only being there for a couple weeks.

"You won't believe wha' I saw," said a rabbit monster.
"What did you see?" Asked Papyrus.
"Papyrus, don't listen to Larry, you know he isn't right in the head since he fell on it," said a dog monster.
"I ain't crazy. I've seen a dragon! Flying in the distance by another islan'!" Said Larry.
"Well, Larry, are you sure it wasn't a bird or something?" Asked Papyrus.
"Nah, that wasn't no bird! It was a dragon I tell ye," said Larry.
"Alright Larry," said Papyrus before walking away to get back to work.
"That guys madder than a mackerel," said a nearby human.
"Yeah. Dragons? Hah, as if." Said the monster they were talking with.

Papyrus carried a load of logs toward the site where a hut was being built.
"I brought some more logs," he called.
"Thanks Papyrus," called a lizard monster. Papyrus had been surprised to learn her name was Alphys despite her reminding him more of Undyne.
"Hey, can you get some more tar for us?" Asked one of the humans.
"Sure," said Papyrus, turning to get the requested tar.

Papyrus settled in for the night on his mat. He missed the others he had known, especially Sans. Only a couple monsters he had known lived in his village. Overall, he enjoyed working with the people and monsters. Larry always had some story about seeing something, though recently they all seemed to be about dragons, Alphys reminded him a lot of the Undyne he had known, and several other monsters were similar yet different to those he knew. It was strange. They all seemed to have different descriptions of the underground amongst the mons and there were even differences in somethings the humans would describe.

Over the next few weeks, Papyrus continued helping around the village. Some wild sheep had been captured and people were working on farms. A project had been started to create fishing ships now that they had recently found some more people who had set up other little towns and villages and began sharing resources.

"Guys, I saw something in the distance near another island," said a human. It was one multiple humans and monsters who reported seeing something near another island.
"I told ye, there be dragons! I'm not crazy!" Said Larry.
"They just said they saw something, not that there was any dragon." Said Alphys.
"Well, once some of the ships out built, we'll check it out." Said Papyrus.

A/N: the Papyrus is Undertale Papyrus and the Alphys is Swap Alphys. Larry is just a sort of OC

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