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Error and Malware sat together as the other dragons began heading out to explore the nearby islands. Nightmare, Horror, Killer, and Dust were heading North West toward where Nightmare had seen the boat. Stitches, Cross, Blue, and Red were heading South West to see what was in that direction.

"I don't see why I can't go," huffed Malware.
"We don't even know how far you could fly without rest. They'll be gone for at least two days. If you went, you might end up falling into the ocean." Said Error. Malware knew Error was right, but continued sulking.

Nightmare lead the others toward where he had seen the boat.
"Careful, we don't know how they would react to seeing dragons. Stay out of sight." Instructed Nightmare.
"Yeah, yeah," said Killer.
"Yes Boss," said Horror. Dust gave a nod.

They flew over head, keeping high up to avoid being seen. There were around five towns and villages on the island. A variety of monsters and humans could be seen walking around even though it was early morning. Several buildings had been created and there were even docks and boats.

"You think they've visited any islands?" Asked Dust.
"The boats are small, I don't think they could get anywhere except the closest islands." Said Nightmare. They carefully flew above the island inspecting it. Well, at least until Killer got curious and flew closer. A mouse monster with lavender fur, wearing a navy hat let out a surprised cry upon spotting Killer. Luckily, Killer noticed and flew back into the clouds before anyone else saw him.

"We're leaving this island. We can't risk being seen again without knowing what reactions they could have." Commanded Nightmare. The others followed him as they left the island and headed to another they had seen.

It was a pair of twin islands in the vague shape of a heart. On one side, they saw a village of humans and monsters, on the other, they caught a glimpse of white and blue dragon flying above the water. They landed on the beach to take a better look.


Red, Blue, Stitches, and Cross flew South West. The first place they stopped was a small island near their own. Other than catching small glimpses of something, they didn't see anything but wildlife. They decided to continue south west. They saw an island near a larger one. The smaller island had two settlements on it. They decided not to stick around and risk being seen.

The larger island was several times larger than the other. As they flew, they saw a light blue and white dragon flying over the island. They saw another dragon as well near the other. This one was a different species with purple and white coloring.

"Let's go meet them!" Suggested Blue.
"I'm not sure we should," said Cross.
"Please? We can leave if they're unfriendly," said Blue. After a while, they agreed and flew down toward where they had saw the two.

"Hi, we saw you and wanted to talk!" Called Blue.
"Hi!" Came another voice and the purple and white dragon came out. The blue and white dragon following behind and a small white and light purple dragon that looked like a mix of both species following.
"I'm Blue and these are some of my nest," Blue said cheerfully.
"I'm Crystal. That's my mate, Kite, and our hatchling, Hollow," she said.
"I'm Cross," he said calmly.
"Red," Red quickly said.
"And I'm Stitches," she said.

"I don't think I've seen you around," said Crystal.
"We're from an island to the north east," said Blue.

They began talking, Crystal and Blue getting along well. After a bit, Hollow joined in the conversation with Kite occasionally adding something.
"How many dragons in your nest?" Asked Hollow.
"Ten actually," said Red.
"Are you all related or friends?" Asked Crystal.
"Just friends really," said Stitches.
"Why did you come here?" Asked Kite.
"We wanted to explore the other islands to get an idea of our surroundings." Said Cross.
"Yeah. We actually saw some villages where normal humans and monsters live," said Blue.
"We've seen those, but have been mostly avoiding them," said Crystal.

After talking a while, they parted ways for the day. Cross, Blue, Red, and Stitches wanting to take a look at the rest of the island.

Crystal, Kite, and Hollow are OCs submitted by MoonStone_909
The dragon Nightmare's team saw was a OC by Dfar-Snow_463 and will appear more next chapter

This is a map of where they went.
Red = Cross, Stitches, Blue, Red
Light greenish blue = Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Horror

 Red = Cross, Stitches, Blue, RedLight greenish blue = Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Horror

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