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Thank you so much to anyone who sent kind messages asking about the status of The Winter Wolf (no thank yous for the rude and unhelpful messages that berated me or demanded updates!). I've been lacking inspiration as well as working a full-time job! I hope it is worth the wait and hope the next update will not take so long! Love, M xo

 I've been lacking inspiration as well as working a full-time job! I hope it is worth the wait and hope the next update will not take so long! Love, M xo

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Cregan and Visenya had travelled together with one member of their party injured before. But the roles had reversed this time. And Cregan was not at his best. He feigned wellness but Visenya could see how tired he was, how his leg pained him on that first day of the trip back.

Edric and their men left Daemon's war camp with them and with very little equipment, they slept on bed rolls and around campfires. It was warm down South still but the further North they got, the colder it got and confirmed that House Stark was never more right. Winter was coming. After three nights of this, Edric had made a makeshift tent for Visenya out of sticks and an extra-large tarp, knowing that she probably had more of a need for privacy than rest.

However grateful she was for this privacy, it meant she slept alone. And she was always cold.

On the fifth night of this, Visenya was too cold to even think about forcing herself to sleep. So, she allowed herself to get up. If she was spotted or found out, she would say she needed to get some water. But she knew what she was really after.

And she found him. Sitting against a boulder right in front of her makeshift tent, with his back to her but his sword in his lap and his injured leg stretched out in front of him.

"You should be sleeping." She said quietly, not wanting to rouse the others who slept.

Something twitched at the corner of her lord-husband's mouth when he heard her. Perhaps he had been hoping for her too.

"As should you, princess." He replied, tilting his head up to look at her as she came to stand over him.

The fire still crackled and burned, casting a hazy orange glow on his face and making her hair seem to glow almost golden in patches rather than the usual dark pigment of it. Her eyes of course glowed no matter the colour but the firelight made them almost ethereal.

"I was cold." She shrugged, wrapping her fur cloak tighter around her shoulders. But it was no use.

Cregan smirked knowingly at her and lifted his arm up. The space was so inviting Visenya didn't think twice about it.

Sitting in beside him, she tucked herself in at his side and sighed when she felt the heat from his side rest against hers and the weight of his arm come around her, his cloak now covering them both.

"How are you?" She asked, her chin coming to rest on his forearm that he hung around her shoulders and neck. Once, she might have found a man's arm around her neck threatening. Ser Harwin had told her never to let anyone get her in that position. But never with him.

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