Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Jillian had come to me, now keep in mind this was a year before our mother turned us into what we are now, you see Jillian and I had similar issues with our fathers but Jillian's were worse, Jillian had grown up knowing what she was or would become were she to lose control of that side of her. Much like my own mother, her mother had an affair with one of the wolves but also much like your own mother, Isabelle, she was already pregnant with her sister, Tatia.

" so Tatia and Jillian were half sisters"

" yes, but unlike you and Elena, they never got along, always arguing over who did something better or who I liked better, this I found rather amusing...until Jillian threw a punch." I told Molly who smirked.

Jillian had triggered her curse when she killed someone on accident during one of her ....episodes, you could say, this ring was meant to keep her in control, that was until she lost it one night while transforming, I didn't understand the importance of the ring until my mother explained it to me the night Jillian died.


" Niklaus, have you seen my ring" Jillian cried panicking and I frowned" Why are you asking me" I asked but before she could answer Tatia appeared and smiled." Hello Niklaus....sister" she sneered at Jillian who glared at her.

" go away Tatia, we're busy" she snapped and Tatia ignored her" Niklaus, you promised me you would take to see that cave"

" Oh, that's right it almost slipped my mind, I'll see you later alright Jillian"

" but Niklaus-" she never got to finish before Tatia dragged me off. I took one last look at Jillian who was running off with tears in her eyes.

Hours later

" oh Klaus that was so amazing" Tatia laughed and I smiled at he just as my sister Rebekah ran up to me" Klaus something terrible has happened"

" what's wrong Rebekah" I asked and tears filled her eyes" it's Jillian, quickly" She took off running and we followed behind her. When we got back to village, everyone was gathered around a burning house, which I recognized as Jillian's." she's inside" Rebekah told me and my eyes widened, I tried to go to her but Elijah appeared and stopped me." it's too late, Niklaus, she's gone'

" no...NO" I yelled and He held me back" Jillian" I screamed but then I noticed the look on Tatia's face, it was not sadness or pain or loss or even heartbreak, it was glee.

Present day

" but wait, you said that Jillian was killed because she went crazy" Molly asked and I sighed

" she was...but not by the other villagers, by my mother"

" what?" she said confused

" my mother set the fire, it's the reason she was so panicked, this ring protected her from my mother's magic"

" why would your mother kill Jillian"

" because Jillian...was the reason I lost my brother, Henrik" she stared at me in shock and I gave hwr the ring before leaving her sitting there in silence.

Molly's POV

I looked down at the ring tracing the crescent moon with a frown. Jillian sat next to me as she appeared" there's another reason, I needed that ring Molly"

I looked at her and she smiled saddly" I knew what I had done would bring me a fate worse then death, the connection that Esther put between you and Klaus it can't be broken but it can be blocked"

My eyes widened and looked at the ring." Be warned Molly that ring will also block your werewolf side and weaken your witch side". Then she was gone and I sighed before slipping the ring into my pocket. I vampire ran back to the Titenel houses and sat looking through one of my family's old spell books. A few days later, I walked into the square just as a crash was heard upstairs. I sighed shaking my head brefore following the sound of Klaus's rather annoying and sarcastic voice. I walked into the room just as he said" are there any other unnecessary deaths you want to wave in my face" he asked Elijah who smirked" give me a moment and I'll give you a list"

I smirked tossing a piece of paper to Elijah who opened it and chuckled" I wasn't serious Molly"

" oh I know but I hoping you could add to the list, I can't think of anyone else" I shrugged and Klaus glared at me before noticing Jillian's ring on my finger." your wearing Jillian's ring" he told me confused and I smiled.

" Seems Ari and me weren't the only one's with the sight" I mumbled and sighed" Jillian knew what your mother was planning and was trying to prevent it but by losing this" I held up the ring" all protection was lost and she was killed by your mother, who then connected all Patrova witches to that curse, which you unlocked. This ring pretty much keeps the connection away from me, nothing keeping me here" Klaus stood up and walked over to me" there is no way it's that simple" he mumbled and I snorted" it isn't, this stupid ring weakens both my werewolf side and witch side, according to Jillian of course"

" then I guess your lucky you took a little trip back home, by the way how is Mystic Falls doing"

" same old same old, people still getting themselves killed for my sister" I said shaking my head" speaking of, I have something for you Klaus, directly from Tim" I told him before throwing him across the room and snapping his neck with a flick of my wrist. I walked out as I heard Hayley call out" well Molly your the  one witch I missed" I smirked and walked out into the New Orleans air but as I did the whole area began to shake and I fell against the wall. I frowned looking over at Rebekah who looked around confused. My dads ghost appeared and stared at me in shock." Molly something's happened"

Sorry I haven't updated in a few months but couldn't find the time with this one and my other stories and school which just started back up by the way, I also couldn't come up with anything for this one but I am trying to finish it so don't worry Molly's story is one of the ones I really do want to finish and I will update when I can, I just don't know how long it will take for each chapter.

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