Gallery Picnic

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 The opening was a resounding success. Leo introduced Liam to so many people that by the end of the night, he felt overwhelmed by the sheer number of introductions. New York Mayor Bernard Asher, the Italian ambassador (who happened to be a vampire who had actually known Pope Leo XIII), the famous soprano Cassandra Del Arco (also a vampire, who had sung for Mozart), and the list went on.

Eventually, Liam simply smiled, shook hands, talked about the exhibits, and tried to get through the night. Leo remained a constant presence beside him, smiling and at times glowering when someone made a thoughtless remark or forgot their place. Liam quickly realized that even in this sea of elites, Leo stood above them all: he was the sun that they all orbited and relied upon for their continued existence.

As the night wore on, Liam realized that he hadn't eaten anything. For a moment, he felt faint and leaned against Leo just a bit more than usual. He thought it would go unnoticed, but immediately he realized Leo had become hyperaware of him. Liam felt Leo's hand tight around his waist in support as Leo motioned to Tristan, who was positioned off to one side observing.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you so much for coming to Lifeline's opening. Mr. De La Cruz and Mr. Von Anderson sincerely thank you for your patronage. The evening has come to an end, so until next time, we bid you adieu." Tristan had moved so quickly, Liam was actually caught off guard.

Within moments, waitstaff appeared with coats and began ushering the guests out of the gallery. People stepped up to thank Leo and express their gratitude to Liam for sharing his talent with them. In 20 minutes, the gallery was empty except for the waitstaff and janitorial personnel who were cleaning up.

Tristan nodded at Leo.

"Liam, let's go to the back of the gallery so you can rest for a few minutes," Leo said, ushering Liam to the back. When they got there, Liam found a table and two chairs, champagne chilling, and an assortment of delicacies lit by candlelight.

"You haven't eaten at all, come sit," Leo said, guiding him to his place.

"Leo, you are too much," Liam said, smiling.

"What, this is what the guests had all night. You would have noticed if your eyes hadn't glazed over when Cassandra was boasting about singing for Wolfie for the 5th time," Leo said, chuckling.

Liam burst out laughing and, being a bit devilish, he couldn't resist pitching his voice into a falsetto: "And I tell you that man was a genius! He said to me, 'Cassandra, I have never written for a more talented Soprano.' Of course, I just said, 'Oh Wolfie, you are such a dear!'" Leo was laughing so hard that he almost fell out of his chair.

"Oh Liam, you are a treasure!" Leo said, wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes.

Liam took a moment to fix himself a small plate of nuts, cheese, thinly sliced Beef Carpaccio with Arugula, and a glass of champagne. Leo nibbled on some of the beef and also ate a few nuts. As Liam ate, he found himself curious about Leo and his diet as a vampire.

"I thought vampires only ingested blood?" Liam said, taking a sip of champagne.

"Vampires do consume blood. Thanks to the discovery that enabled vampires and humans to be categorized as 'light' and 'dark,' it has become easier for us to feed without causing harm to the human population. A vampire who drinks from their 'blood match' can survive for up to three days on one feeding. To ensure ethical consumption, most vampires have contracts with designated blood donors, following government guidelines. However, some prefer a one-time transaction and are willing to pay for the services of a willing donor. But like any other creature, we also enjoy certain foods such as raw meat, nuts, cheese, good wine, and champagne," Leo explained, taking a sip of his champagne.

Tristan stepped up and waited for Leo to acknowledge him. "Yes, Tristan?"

"The gallery is cleaned and the staff has left," Tristan said quietly.

"Thank you, Tristan. You may go. I will clean this up when Liam and I are finished. I will find my own way home."

"Yes, Mr. De La Cruz. Enjoy the rest of your evening, Mr Von Anderson, sir." Tristan said as he put on his coat and let himself out.

Liam started to feel better and more alert. Leo nodded to himself as he sipped his champagne. He could hear Liam's heart slow to a more steady rhythm as the food began to stabilize his blood sugar.

"Are you feeling better now?" Leo asked.

"Yes, thank you. The food is working its magic," Liam said, popping some nuts into his mouth.

The hours seems to fly by as they talked and laughed. Finally Liam looked at his watch and realized that it was 3 am. "Wow, look at the time. I didn't realize it was so late. We better clean up and close the place." Liam said getting up and beginning to take the dishes to the back. The gallery has a small kitchenette, it was one of the reasons Liam had rented the place. He could prepare meals here while he worked on his portfolio and decided what to display.

Leo helped with the dishes, drying while Liam washed. In no time the place was clean and everything in its place. Leo handed Liam his coat and the two of them headed out the door. Liam took a few minutes to arm the security system and lock up the gallery.

"So Mr. De La Cruz, I guess this is good night."

"It doesn't have to be Mr. Von Anderson, you could come back to my place for a drink." Leo said smiling seductively. Liam smiled back at the subtle double entendre that Leo's words hinted at.

"A drink you say? I take it you are speaking about alcohol, yes?" Liam said smiling.

"Absolutely, scouts honor. Although if I am being honest I never was much of a boy scout." Leo said stepping close to Liam. "But I promise, you are safe with me."

"I believe that." Liam said looking into Leo's eyes, what he saw there made him want to know more about this enigmatic man. "Alright, Mr De La Cruz, show me your world." Liam said taking Leo's hand.

Leo waved down a cab and opened the door for Liam, after they entered Leo gave the address to the driver.

"14 w 10 st please." Leo said as he settled back in the cab.

The vehicle accelerated and they started their journey.

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