Rescuing the Tasmanian Tiger

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There is something missing from our world, the amazing animals that time has forgotten.
But what if we could bring them back? What if extinction didn't have to be forever? We're going on a safari with a difference, as biologist and adventurer Nigel Marvin plunges into the depths of prehistory to rescue animals on the brink of extinction. His plan is to bring them back to the safety of the present, and give them a second chance. On this episode, Nigel teams up with the Kratt brothers on his biggest expedition, to travel back in time to find the famous Tasmanian Tiger. Welcome to the ultimate wildlife Sanctuary, welcome to Prehistoric Park.

One week after Nigel's last expedition

Prehistoric Park is flourishing. Amidst the reserve, prehistoric animals from Nigel's various expeditions are living their best lives away from the perils of extinction.

We see Diego the Elasmotherium grazing on grass in the African sunrise. In the distance, the roars of the park's resident female Tyrannosaurus echoed throughout the park. The Elasmotherium briefly got startled by this but returned to grazing after he didn't smell any intruders.

In the wake of the morning, park staff are getting ready to perform their daily jobs.

Park staff are seen feeding the Microraptors bird seed and meal worms.

In another part of the park, staff can be seen dumping barrels of fish off the side of the bridge above the Deinosuchus enclosure. Jane the Deinosuchus was resting on the sand bank of her habitat but made her way to the water once she smelled the fish.

Most of park's staff are happy with their jobs. After all, who wouldn't want to work with prehistoric animals. Meanwhile Bob feeding his favorite animals.

Bob can be seen standing near the fence of the Ornithomimus Pond, watching them and occasionally throwing some feed.

Bob: I come here every day to watch 'em. The Ornithomimus are the most peaceful animals Nigel has brought back compared to the others. They don't give me a headache like the Titanosaurs or the Tyrannosaurus siblings.

Bob gazed across the enclosure to where the mother Ornithomimus had laid her eggs a year ago.

Bob: I wonder if we'll get eggs this year, considering what we've learned about their hierarchy.

Bob then got a call on his walkie talkie and answered it.

Bob: Copy that Nigel! Gotta hurry over, Nigel says he's going after a new animal!

While Bob watches the Ornithomimus, Nigel is busy researching the next animal he wants to rescue.

We see Nigel at his desk, with a book called "Thylacine: History, Ecology, and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger". Nigel turned to face the camera crew when they entered.

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