1 year after the events of the first season, Nigel prepares for his next adventures to capture more prehistoric animals, and bring them to the safety of the present.
Disclaimer: I do not own Prehistoric Park or any of the artwork or music used in th...
Prehistoric Park's official species list of animals brought back, ranging from giant Tyrannosaurs to giant griffenflies.
Note: WILL be updated as long as that Nigel brings back more animals for me to deal with -Park keeper Bob
Tyrannosaurus rex and mcraeensis
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Brought back: x2 (a sibling pair of one male and one female named Terrance and Matilda)
Behavior: Rex- Very aggressive with the females being larger and more territorial. The female often leads a pack made of males who fight for the right to be her mate yearly. They are deathly afraid of deeper and rockier water as the rushing water can overturn them and cost them potentially fatal injuries. Mother Tyrannosauruses will raise their surviving hatched children away from the other males until they are old enough to where they are not considered a light snack by the males. In captivity it has been observed that without a motherly figure, the female in a sibling group will bully her brothers into submission and will not hesitate to kill them if they try to steal her food.
Mcraeensis- Lived more dangerous lives hunting Torosaurus, Triceratops, and Edmontosaurus. While the females are still larger and more aggressive than the males, they do not live in packs and instead live alone and will kill any intruders in their territory even if it's another of the opposite gender. The only predator that rivals the Tyrannosaurus is the Deinosuchus dwarfensis which dwelled in dwindling lakes and estuaries. There is no data on this species in captivity.
Size: Rex- 8 tons (M), 10 tons (F). 50 ft long (M), 56 ft long (F). 20 ft tall (M), 24 ft tall (F).
Mcraeensis- 8 tons (M), 9 tons (F). 45 ft long (M), 50 ft long (F). 17.5 ft tall (M), 19 ft tall (F).
Habitat: Tyrants creek formation (Rex-N) (Mcraeensis-S) and T. Rex hill.
Bio: So far the largest carnivorous dinosaur in the park , the Tyrannosaurus is the ruler of the Park and was one of the first dinosaurs brought back from extinction. Two live within the park, sibling pair Matilda and Terrance who live in the separated T. Rex hill (see Tyrannosaurus rex behavior). They have repeatedly been a nuisance to the park's staff with them breaking into each other's enclosures almost weekly until Bob reinforced the fences. During the Mass breakout, Matilda escaped from her enclosure and rampaged throughout the park and almost killed a young Elephant (luckily no one died or sustained major injuries).