012. ─── love song

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EPISODE EIGHT:unsaid emily !

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unsaid emily !

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KAT HADN'T EVEN BEEN AT SCHOOL FOR AN HOUR BEFORE PEOPLE WERE ALREADY ASKING HER QUESTIONS. They all seemed to have a recurring theme: whether or not she was dating Reggie.

Clearly their video on YouTube was doing very well, and they maybe might've happened to notice Reggie's arm around her, or the way they were staring at each other at the end.

She didn't want to admit it, but she definitely felt a pang in her heart every time she had to say no.

Just as she shut her locker door, she felt someone grab onto her arm and pull her to the other side of the hallway. Kat turned to see it was Flynn.

"Ouch, Flynn, what's up with you?" Kat asked.

"Look over there," Flynn pointed her finger forwards and Kat looked to see her pointing at Julie and Nick.

"Hm," Kat hummed as she watched their conversation. She couldn't see what Nick was saying, but Julie had a wide-eyed look which obviously meant she was in shock at whatever he said. She was also very hesitant with how she replied.

As Nick walked off, Flynn grabbed onto Kat's arm and dragged her with her over to Julie. "Well, that wasn't just a what's up?"

"Nick wanted to go on a date," Julie told them.

Flynn and Kat gasped, but Kat could see on Julie's face that she wasn't enthusiastic about it.

"And I said no."

Flynn's smile fell from her face. "What?"

"You know what you said. This Luke thing isn't going away anytime soon, so I. . . I figured why waste Nick's time?"

Kat nodded. "That's true. But aww, our baby's all grown up."

"She's choosing to like someone who doesn't really exist," Flynn added, and Kat gave her a glare. "But she's all grown up."

"But he does exist," Julie argued, pointing between herself and Kat. "To us. And he might just be air, but me and him connect in so many other ways."

"You are the most watchable duet-ers I've ever seen. Kat and Reggie are definitely a close second," Flynn stated, gently nudging Kat's shoulder with her own.

"But it's not just singing," Julie continued. "When we write, we're both drawing from the same pain. We both know how it feels to lose our moms."

"Do not make me cry. I'm having a really good eyeliner day," Flynn dabbed under her eye.

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