The sleep over part 2

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(A/N: This is the withered husbands Chapter. Ps. My fav band posted their first song, Bullet, the band's called Aliferous btw:))


Scott's Pov:
Id wake up, and gently shook Jimmy of of me. 'Aoer, he has grip like a cod.' id think. And looked at Fhwip and Sausage. Id gently poke Sausage

Sausage's Pov:
Id wake up, and felt Fhwip's arms around me. Id smile. Id roll my eyes as Scott whispered "C'mon. Lets make breakfast. You can make Fhwip's special~" his tone teasing. Id groan quickly. And wiggled out of Fhwip's grasp. Id walk to the Kitchen. And began to make eggo waffles. As Scott was cutting fruit. Once Scott finished. Id say "Wake everyone up. Please." Id put everything on the coffee table in the living room, and saw everyone waking up. Id smile at Fhwip. He'd smile back. Id sit down. Then Fhwip sat next to me. And I started to talk to Pearl and Gem "I-Gem. We are not hosting a party at you and Fhwip's place." Pearl groaned. Id chuckle. Id notice everyone finished up eating. Id grab the plates. Id start washing them. Id notice Katherine staring at me "AYE-STOP IT- Stop. You made breakfast." Katherine looked at me, then whispered "And spend more time with Fhwip."

Shubble's Pov:
I was talking with Scott about a show, heartstopper "I-No. Charlie is better." Scott spoke, a bit of sass in his voice. "No way- Tori's wayy better." id say. Soon, Gem looked at us, and spoke "Can yall stop talking about gay s-" She was interrupted by Katherine "Heyy- Shrub, darling. Can you help me with the dishes?" "I-Uh-Sure-One sec-" Id blush profusely, and Scott mouthed 'Simp' id flip him off. Anf began to help Katherine with the dishes. Id start humming. And Katherine smirked, and flicked me nose, it had a bubble on it. And she spoke "Your a simp for me." "I-KATHER-" I was interruptedup by Katherinee's older brother,Kevin walked into the house "Hey Kath- Oohh- Are you Shubble?" Id nod. And shook his hand "Mhm." Id smile. Kevin looked me in my eyes "Hurt her. And Ill break her neck." Id stare at him, and Katherine spoke up "Shrub would never hurt me-" Scott called from the living room "SHE'S TO MUCH OF A SIMP TOO-" Id turn bright red. Katherine and Kevin giggled. Id walk to the couch, and hid my face in a pillow. Scott giggle "Ok. Ok. We'll stop." Katherine gently patted my back, then she said "Uhh- We all should get ice cream. And go home."

(Im finally done with thissss)

Wc: 443

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