Handling Criticism

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YourRAGE: (nods thoughtfully) True, but sometimes it gets to me, you know? The constant criticism and negativity. How do you deal with it, Kai?

Kai: (leans forward, serious) It ain't easy, bro. I try to focus on the positive, like the people who really vibe with what I'm putting out there. I remind myself that not everyone's gonna get it, and that's okay. But yeah, it can definitely get under your skin sometimes.

YourRAGE: (sighs) Yeah, especially when it feels personal. Like people think they know you just from what they see online.

Kai: (nods in agreement) It's part of the game, man. We signed up for this rollercoaster ride. But hey, your energy's infectious, bro. You're killing it out there.

A conversation between friends : Kai cenat and YourRageWhere stories live. Discover now