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It was a normal day, I was sitting in my first period of the day world history with my friends chit chatting and what not when the teacher starts.  "Okay today we are gonna watch a video and you guys are gonna fill out those questions on the sheets of papers on your desk with the answers you get from it so pay attention ". We were all sitting around without a care in the world everyone was here waiting for the teacher to start the video so we could all just copy all the answers off the smart friend Ann.

Then the door opened when an unfamiliar face walked in, not that I was complaining it was a really attractive face. Me and my friends all turn to face one another "he's FWIONNN" says one of my friends M "shoo, say it louder fa da people in the backkk cuz chileeee". I responded because he was very attractive I was wondering where he'd chose to sit hoping it was near us when a loud mouth big also by the name of M but a boy interrupts my train of thought "YOOOO, SIT OVER HERE". He shouts from the opposite side of the room.

I was slightly disappointed as he walks straight past my row towards his, his hair fell over his eyes not giving off pretty much any expression or emotion.  His strides are lazy but radiates confidence his mysteriously calm aura made me desperate for at least a glance I was wishing he could feel my eyes and would look my way but it never happened. 

Time went pass as I could hear big back M trying to make conversation with him how can I get close to him now I had no clue the teacher paused the video "okay we will finish the rest of the questions tomorrow we only have like 7 minutes left of class pack up". I looked over towards his said of class when I seen people looking at his schedule I had no clue what to do stuck in my head when I heard my friend J start "I'm headed that way I can show you where the class is". I look up to see her talking to him this was perfect or so I thought.

The bell rings the hallways are flooded with kids bustling about when we got into the hallway  I ended up on the outside like:

                       C.          J.                J.    
                      ⬆️.       ⬆️.            ⬆️
                      Me.  Friend           Boy

So you can see how this isn't working in my favor. Whilst walking they were making conversation about what ever while i could only lean to get a tiny little glimpse of his face but i still couldn't see enough. Safe to say i was irritated not happy at all once we got to our hall we went to a separate classes.

The second wasn't any different and that's when my mute period happened or at least thats what I call it and I stopped coming to class or just that class and never seen him again really.

He left my mind and I went on to different things and people I'd see him leaving the hall after second period though all the time but we still never spoke until one day he came across my mind I could see him so clearly I was determined to speak to him at least once the worst thing he could do was blow me off I wasn't gonna die from that.

I was making my way towards him when I tripped over myself so many elbows and shoulders were nudging me i was shifting my feet left and right as he continued to fade farther and farther away and out the door he was on another  planet  again so far away so untouchable I just wanted him to see me but couldn't get him to that was my only chance and I wasn't quick enough I felt kinda pathetic or sorry/ embarrassed so I gave up it's not meant to be...


~We so are together right now tho like locked in~ ~This ain't the end but yeah we made it🥰~

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