*Requested* My Queen pt.2

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I groaned as I purged my tanks, I had been feeling sick this morning and thankfully Megatron wasn't with me or he'd be freaking out. You see, after we became sparkmates I've gotten to see a different, sweeter and more caring, side of Megatron which made me fall deeper in love with him.

I groaned as I made my way to the medbay, I knew better than to not get checked after feeling like I have been and now throwing up. I walked in the medbay and sighed Knockout currently had Breakdown buffing his back for him. I cleared my throat and made my way to a medical berth to sit down.

"My lady! What can I assist you with today?" I groaned and huffed, "I've been feeling physically drained the past few days and I was purging my tanks pretty badly this morning." He nodded and grabbed a medical scanner.

He scanned me and right after he did his optics went huge he looked at me after a few minutes and smiled, "well, you aren't sick." I nodded and then he went on, " your sparked." My optics widened and I stared at him for a minute before tears started to fall down my cheeks, "I I'm sparked!" Knockout nodded, "and that means you'll need a little bit more energon than usual, now that you feeding two."

I nodded and after he told me a few other things and had me eat some energon I quickly made my way to the control center. When I walked in I saw Megatron and Starscream talking and slowly made my way towards them.

Megatron smiled when he saw me and pulled me closer to his side as he dismissed Starscream, "is everything okay (y/n)? You're usually in here way earlier." I smiled up at him, "well I payed a visit to the medbay, but everything's fine, I'm more than okay."

He looked down at me and raised and optical ridge (I think that's what it's called.) and hummed, "why did you have to visit the medbay?" He looked back up and I smiled, "well i was feeling sick this morning and I thought I would go check it out but it turns out that I'm fine and I'm actually expecting your heir."

His optics widened and he looked down at me, "what do you mean heir?" I smiled, "I'm sparked you big dummy!" He smiled and laughed and picked me up and spun me around, "this is amazing!"

I nodded and pulled him in for a passionate kiss and hummed.


I groaned as pain washed over me once again and looked at Knockout and growled, "I swear if you don't do something I'm going to rip your helm off!" I felt Megatron send love through our bond trying to comfort me but that wasn't going to help.

It was finally time for me to give birth after nine long months of being sparked and come to find out not one, but two. I gasped and squeezed Megatrons servo as another wave of pain washed through my frame making me cry out.

Megatron placed a few soft kisses on my helm, "you're doing amazing my dear." I smiled weakly at him. Knockout looked at me and smiled, "okay it's time for you to start pushing." I nodded and started to push. I was in more pain than I'd ever been in my life, I cried out and screamed as I pushed.

After a few minutes of pushing I heard a small cry, my first sparkling was born, and somehow that gave me more strength to bring my second sparkling into this world. I gave one final push and heard another sparklings cry. I never would've thought the most beautiful sound I would ever hear was the cry of a sparkling but it was. I looked up at Knockout and Breakdown expectantly and they both smiled at me.

Knockout and Breakdown walked up and placed both the sparklings in my arms then Knockout looked at me and smiled, "two healthy mechlings." Then he and Breakdown walked out to give me and Megatron time with our newborn sons. I smiled and started to cry as I looked at my sons and felt a soft kiss being pressed to my helm I looked at Megatron and smiled, "they're perfect." He nodded and I gently and handed them both to their sire, they looked so much like him.

I looked up at Megatron and for the first time I saw a tear fall from his face, he looked at me and smiled, "you did such a good job sweetspark." And then he handed them back to me, "what should we name them?" He smiled and looked down at our sons and nodded his head to the one that was born first, he was silver and his highlights were the same color as my secondary color, "what do you think about Silverstreak for him and what about Bluewave for him." I smiled Bluewave fit our second born he was the same color as me with blue and silver highlights, "I think thats wonderful."

Timeskip (four years later)

It's been four years since I gave birth to our sons and much has happened, Megatron was killed but he came back as Unicron but then was freed and was himself once again but he ended the war not wishing to harm others anymore, Optimus was dead and Cybertron was restored. We lived in a small cozy house on the outskirts of Kaon.

I smiled as I watched my now four year old sons play wrestle in the living room with their sire. They both tackled him and were attempting to tickle him. I walked over and picked them both up hearing them both complain, "carrier!" I chuckled and kissed both their helms, " I'm sorry but it's your bed time." They both groaned and tried to make excuses as to why they shouldn't go to bed.

Megatron walked up and grabbed Bluestreak and helped me get them in their berths, "good night my little ones." They both smiled and yawned, "good night carrier good night sire." Megatron pressed a kiss to their helms and then walked out of their berthroom and closed the door.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed a kiss to my dermas, "I love you my queen." I smiled, "I love you to my king."

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