Poip getting fat

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One sunny afternoon, Expunged invited Poip over to his house for a special surprise. This was something Expunged rarely did, but he saw how happy Bandu was around Poip, as he made Bandu feel less lonely, and Expunged decided to return the favor: By stuffing Poip's face.

Poip arrived with a curious grin, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"What's up, Expunged?" Poip asked as he stepped inside Expunged's home.

"You'll see," Expunged replied with a mischievous smile. "I know how much you love food, so I decided to cook a feast just for you!"

Poip's eyes widened with excitement. "A feast? For me? You didn't have to go through all that trouble!"

Expunged chuckled. "Oh, it was no trouble at all. I enjoy cooking, and I know you'll appreciate it."

As Poip settled into a comfortable chair, Expunged disappeared into the kitchen, the sounds of sizzling and chopping filling the air. The delicious aromas wafting from the kitchen made Poip's stomach rumble in anticipation.

Soon, Expunged emerged with a large tray laden with appetizers. There were crispy spring rolls, savory mini quiches, and succulent chicken skewers. Poip's eyes widened even more as he reached for a spring roll.

"This looks amazing, Expunged!" Poip exclaimed, taking a bite and savoring the burst of flavors. "You really outdid yourself!"

Expunged smiled warmly. "I'm glad you like it. There's plenty more to come."

True to his word, Expunged continued to bring out dish after dish. There were hearty bowls of pasta, creamy mashed potatoes, tender roast beef, and a variety of fresh salads. Poip marveled at the spread before him, his plate never empty as he sampled each delectable offering.

As the afternoon turned into evening, Poip's stomach grew fuller, but he couldn't resist trying everything Expunged had prepared. He laughed and chatted with his friend, feeling a deep sense of contentment and gratitude.

Finally, after what felt like an endless parade of food, Expunged brought out a towering cake covered in rich, velvety frosting. "For dessert," he announced with a twinkle in his eye.

Poip's eyes sparkled with delight. "You really went all out, Expunged. This is incredible!"

As Poip took a bite of the cake, his face lit up with pure bliss. He couldn't help but notice how full he felt, his belly round and satisfied. Expunged watched him with a fond smile, finding Poip's contented expression and round figure utterly adorable.

"You know," Expunged said softly, "I love seeing you enjoy yourself like this. You look so happy and... well, adorable."

Poip blushed, feeling a warmth in his heart. "Thank you, Expunged. This has been the best day ever. I feel so loved and cared for."

Expunged leaned in and gave Poip a gentle hug. "You are loved, Poip. And I'll always be here to make sure you know that."

As the evening drew to a close, Poip and Expunged sat together, sharing stories and laughter. The bond between them grew even stronger, and Poip knew that no matter how full his stomach was, his heart was fuller still.

Days later, Poip began to notice subtle changes in himself. His clothes fit a bit snugger, and his reflection in the mirror revealed a softer, rounder figure. At first, he felt a twinge of surprise, but that feeling quickly gave way to something else—something warm and comforting.

He didn't mind the extra weight at all. In fact, Poip secretly liked how it felt. He enjoyed the way his belly pressed gently against his shirt, the comforting heft of his form when he moved, and the sense of contentment that seemed to settle over him like a cozy blanket.

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