Assessment Test [1]

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"And it felt kind of strange... staring at my own face... in a way... I kind of attended my own funeral..."

— 1 month earlier —

Kanae frowned, the balcony air reeked of cigarettes, her mother was leaned against the railing, cigarette planted between two fingers. She took a long drag. Below them, the sounds of cars sounded.

"You ruined me."

Her mother's voice was thick with smoke. She didn't even spare the silver-haired girl a glance.

"You better be fuckin' incredible to make up for all the damage you've done, Kanae."

Kanae nodded, lilac eyes downcast, a mess of waves covering her expressionless face.

"Yes, mother."

Kanae took her seat in the back of the class, beside her were a boy with red and white hair, and a girl with a messy black ponytail. Todoroki Shoto and Yaoyorozu Momo. She recognized both from the recommendation exams.

She averted her gaze when her and Todoroki's eyes met. An ever-present frown rested on her lips. The livelihood of the classroom was irritating. So much noise, so many voices... a sigh slipped past her lips and she turned her gaze to the window.

Outside the city was bustling, news reporters, cars, people walking their dogs, and teenagers skipping out on the first day. It seemed to be just as irritatingly alive outside as it was in.

However, all of the idle chatter came to a halt when the door to the classroom slid open, and in walked a man with shaggy black hair, seemingly years' worth of eyebags, and a gray scarf. In his arms, was a rolled-up sleeping bag the color of a school bus.

Recognition flickered in Kanae's eyes and her frown shrunk briefly. A hand flew to her mouth, covering the excitement tugging on the corners of her lips.

His voice to her was flat and gray, easy on her mind, easy on her ears.

"It took you eight seconds for you to be quiet."

He stepped into the classroom slowly and stood in front of the board.

"Time is limited—you kids are not rational enough."

He looked at the class, lips downturned, eyes boring into the students' souls. An uncomfortable atmosphere settled over the classroom.

"I'm Aizawa Shota, your homeroom teacher."

Aizawa reached into his sleeping bag and pulled out a blue, white, and red gym uniform.

"I know this is sudden, but put these on and meet me on the field."

Kanae glanced around the classroom, watching as everyone slowly started shifting out of their seats, the sounds of chairs scraping the ground grated on her ears.

She clenched her jaw slightly and stood, she picked the legs of her chair up and carefully placed them under the table.

Having done that, she then walked over to Aizawa and took a uniform, white bag slung over her shoulder, he gave a nod of acknowledgment and she walked out the door.

Kanae grimaced as the class yelled about the quirk assessment test. Clambering words met her ears and her jaw clenched. Beside her, was Todoroki, who seemed to be just as disinterested as before.

Kanae listened carefully as Aizawa droned on about heroics and power.

Her eyes grazed over one of her peers as their teacher called his name. Her frown deepened as she recognized him to be the main cause of all of the chaos in the classroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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