Mississippi Greens (Purple City):

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       I'm the definition of what you'd call kind of poor. I travel with a band, and  we live in the streets in the city. Don't worry though we are well taken care of. We are given warm meals, and  occasionally we live in a Sleeping Center. We have dinner there sometimes, and  my favorite meal there is tomato soup, with a delicious side of pita bread, and  sour cream, and onion potato chips.

       Foodbots make these foods, and  they come from Mexico. They would have humans do this, but The Villains Corporation Inc! is kind of high capacity now, and  people fear gaining too much wealth. Even if they were to work at the Sleeping Center, they'd be kind of too scared to work alongside the Foodbots.

           At the concert, I was getting ready for a show, and  of course, I was nervous. I did warmups such as lip drills, and  rehearsed one song before the show with my band. we practiced our favorite, and  number one hit song called "Forever Mine." One of my bandmates, Fin, was almost too excited to perform. He could not wait to see Dragon Magical, ehem my poor boyfriend, but a superhero, after the show. He swoons over our relationship, Fin meaning. He has always been a hopeless romantic for as long as I can remember.

        "Calm down." I said to Fin, "Just breathe." He could not calm down, nor could he breathe. This was his first debut as a drummer, and have worked so hard to come to where he is today. As we finished our make-up, it was show-ready. People had always thought we'd be a good balanced couple, when in reality, Dragon Magical the Superhero, was my boyfriend. At about our fifth date, Dragon Magical asked if I could be his girlfriend. As he asked that, he held my hands, and  asked: "I want you to be my girlfriend." I smiled with delight.

          "How could I refuse?" We kissed. Around us,  people were staring. Months later, Dragon Magical decided to give me a promise ring, for devotion, and love. Thanking the universe that I'm not a villain in his eyes, and that The God did not choose me. The day he, Dragon Magical, asked me to be his girlfriend, someone snagged out their camera, and  took a picture of us. Of course, we probably gained attention since we were at The Purple City Cafe.  We became official, and  were written about in the newspaper.

     "Mississippi Greens has a boyfriend, and his name is Dragon Magical!" People would holler as I walked in the streets. Anywho:

       When we got on the stage, everyone cheered for us. Fin had hyped the crowd up even more so. The first song we played was a song: "Forever Mine." When the show was over, we went backstage. There was another band performing after us, and we did not know who just yet until our band manager phoned us. It was our band competitor, The Death Pirates. As their names were mentioned, I nearly fell to the floor.

        "What are they doing here, at our venue?" I asked the manager, "They are vigilantes, and should not be here. We are superheroes, part of the Superhero Universe." Our manager waved his hand up in defeat. He loves being the manager every day, but always has the fear of being chosen to become a villain due to how well he's excelling in his career, I always tell him to take deep breaths, and  that wouldn't not happen.

"I know, I know." The manager said, "But let me explain why this was so last minute, I had no control. The owner of this place wanted to schedule them in because he thought it would be cool if villains and superheroes compete: the Superhero Universe and The Villains Corporation Inc!"

     I groaned. This night was going to be a disaster. The Death Pirates are new villains. They joined The Corporation Inc! A few weeks ago, I believe. They all have the same vigilante powers. Fin whispered in my ears:

         "Those are the ones who held Mayor Purple captive, remember?"

        I nodded my head, "of course, I remember." I sighed, "I'm just worried about, um, Dragon Magical and them being here. They are the worst of enemies. I don't even know how they are not in jail, and  performing here today." I rebuked.

            Just then, in peripheral vision, I saw Dragon Magical, the superhero. One of my loves. He is quite skinny, has brown hair, brown eyes, loves his coffee, and can shapeshift as a dragon, and  lives on a planet called Dragoneze. In his hands, he had flowers. My favorite is red roses.

        "Oh, my. Dragon, you did not have to do this. You know, you do not have to do this every time you come to my concerts. It's every day, and  it's not always a special occasion."

        The Death Pirates were finished. They breezed past our band room back stage, and our door was opened. The lead singer of The Death Pirates, named Waters, saw us.

      "Ah, you love birds. Love at first sit." His parrot, Bananas, was on his right shoulder. Parrot came from a new land called Parrot Island. It was founded by one of the most evil pirate known to man, and written in the history books. Some of the parrots that come from there have beauty red eyes, and fangs of a vampire.

       "Love at first site, love at first site." That dumb parrot is the messenger for them, and is the one who sets up to do their crimes. This parrot was not the kind of bird from that island; she was just an average-looking parrot, with no beautiful red bloody eyes, and no vampire fangs.  This is why, The Death Pirates, are considered villains because of their parrots among other things.

          "Oh, lovely article in the newspaper yesterday, by Alison Gilded, that I read yesterday." I blushed. To not add fuel to the fire, our band manager told them to leave. At first they protested, but then they listened.

"Whatever," Waters said. The parrot repeated:



        After the competition with the vigilante band was over, Alison  Gilded published an article about the event. In the article, she wrote:

              "The band competition was such a hit. Dragon Magical's girlfriend, Mississippi Greens, performed with her band, with their band competitor The Death Pirates. Fans hope to bring this event back next year!" I smiled. Even though I did not like competing against The Death Pirates, I did feel a sense of adrenaline seep through my bones. And, I just love the fact, that I get to call Dragon Magical my boyfriend!

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