Reiko's POV

I could feel the nervous fluttering in my stomach as I made my way to Furin High School's rooftop. Umemiya knows everything that happens around the town and I am sure he'd ask me about it.

My left arm also bore a new injury, but I was relieved to know Umemiya wouldn't notice it among the usual bandages. My left arm is always fully wrapped in bandages and it's a daily thing, a daily reminder of the thing I kept secret from everyone but myself but at least Umemiya won't suspect anything.

The right arm and my neck were also covered, leaving little to no room for suspicion from anyone else.

So chill Reiko.

It was also painful to think about how easily I used to fight, how strong I was before I left Furin. Now, I get hurt and tired so easily. The constant reminder of my limitations was always present in the form of the white gauze covering my arms and neck.

I hate it. I hate feeling weak. I hate what I've become.

A burden to everyone

I sighed, pushing those thoughts aside. Right now, it was about seeing Umemiya, my overprotective boyfriend who had a knack for sensing when something was wrong. I knew he'd ask about the fight if he found out, and the thought made me a bit anxious. I didn't want to worry him or make him feel guilty for not being there.

Despite my worries, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the thought of seeing him. His presence was always comforting, and his love for me never wavered, even with all my scars and bandages.

Reaching the door to the rooftop, I hesitated for a moment before pushing it open. I expected to see him tending to his beloved plants or talking to them as he often did. Instead, I was met with silence.

My brow furrowed as I stepped inside, my eyes scanning the rooftop. The usual rustling of leaves and murmurs of conversation were absent. It was quiet, almost too quiet.

And then I saw him.

Umemiya was lying on a bench, taking a peaceful nap. His serene face was partially covered by a strand of white hair that had fallen across his forehead. He had a weird expression, a mix of focus and tranquility, but he looked so peaceful that it made me smile.

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