Reiko's POV

I pushed open the café's door, the familiar jingle of the bell announcing my arrival. The first thing I saw was Kotoha laughing heartily, her face lit up with genuine amusement. In front of her stood Sakura, looking awkward and slightly grumpy, and Nirei, the sweet blonde boy who was practically radiating sunshine.

Kotoha's laughter was infectious, and even Sakura seemed a bit less annoyed than usual. Nirei, always the ray of light, was beaming as he watched Kotoha. The scene was so unexpectedly heartwarming that I couldn't help but smile.

When they heard the doorbell, all three turned to look at me. Kotoha's laughter died down to a giggle, Sakura raised an eyebrow in his usual grumpy manner, and Nirei's face lit up even more, if that was possible.

Reiko-chan!" Nirei practically launched himself at me, his hug so enthusiastic I swear I heard birds singing.

"Nirei-kun, careful! You'll squeeze the life out of me!" I laughed, patting his back.

He pulled back, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Sorry, Reiko-chan! I'm just so happy to see you"

His genuine concern warmed my heart. "It went well, Nirei. Thanks for asking." We chatted for a moment, his excitement as infectious as ever. Then, Kotoha chimed in, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Oh, you wouldn't believe it, Reiko. Nirei here has been keeping Sakura company. It's been quite the show!"

I smiled and approached Sakura, I patted his head gently, offering him a warm smile. "It's good to see you, Sakura," I greeted him softly.

He blinked up at me, momentarily surprised by the gesture, but then his expression softened. "Yeah, you too," he mumbled, a bit of pink tinting his cheeks.

This boy gets embarrassed so easily.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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