27| Birthday in Yacht 🌶️

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Mandakini POV


I mumbled, and he put me under him, to thrust into me.


He tried to be gentle this time, and released his semen, making me feel his warmness again inside me. My nails were scratching his back all the while, and I spanked his back.

"Why don't you use a condom?"

I cooed him, pouting my lips. Sucking on me harshly, as he pulled out, he whispered in his raspy voice, staring directly into my eyes

"I love to see my juices dripping out of your pussy."

"Ummm...you're so shameless."

Flickering my eyes here and there, I bent my head on one side, hiding my face in the pillow, and slapping his chest lovingly.

He pecked me, and we decided to have the breakfast.

"I already had you, babygirl."

He winked at me, teasing me with the flirtatious words. I pecked his cheek, and tried to straighten up.


I winced in pain, since my legs and lower abdomen hurt insanely.

"I'll get the breakfast here. Don't worry."

He muttered, encasing me in his embrace, and pecking my lips.

"Take these medicines."

He gave me two pills, one to prevent conception, and the other was painkillers. He went away, and brought two plates of breakfast for us, into the room.

We ate together, and he kept teasing me with coquettish words.

"Babygirl, I have some work. Though we had plans to travel today, but you are severely ill, so let's drop this plan...but if you can walk, we may...."

He asserted, but I cut him off

"I can't! We'll visit some other time for travel purposes. Let's this be the 'honeymoon' special one."

I asservated, and he nodded raising his brow. He went away, and I closed the door, but where did he go? I was getting bored, so I video called Ragini didi, and talked to her for an hour. Baby Mandira kept cooing in between our conversations, and I wanted to hug her tightly. She is so cute!

"When will you return back to India?"

I asked, and she informed me about Dhanraj bhaiya's resignation procedure, that could last for a month, and they would return only after its completion.

Two hours had passed, but he didn't arrive. Tomorrow is my birthday, and my husband went somewhere, without informing me the purpose of his departure. What is this behaviour?

My body was aching gravely, but the painkillers had soothed the pain to some extent, and I could atleast walk now. I tried dialing his number, but he didn't pick up my call. I hate him!

Hours passed, and it was 9PM. Where the hell was he? I had slept after having the lunch, and now it was nine in the evening. Suddenly, the gate knocked, and I ran to unlock it, only to find him standing there, with an innocent smile.

"Where the hell were you? Is this what you call as our 'honeymoon'?"

I shrieked, and pulled him inside. I locked the door, and turned opposite to him, folding my arms before my chest, and pouting my lips, with grooved brows.

He held my shoulders from behind, and tracing my arms gently, he wrapped his arms around my boobs, plunging his head into the crook of my neck, sucking me gently over there.

Thakur's Ardhangini | 18+Where stories live. Discover now