How can it be!?

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Lyn, was just sitting at her house playing video games with her friends when suddenly she heard someone calling her name: “Lyn! Lyn! Come downstairs, you have things to explain!”. It was non other person but her mother. She pretended as if she didn’t hear her and pretended to be in a deep slumber. While her mother was really mad at her for doing nothing but playing video games all day. Her mother, or you can say Mrs. Williams, also found her test papers which Lyn hid from her, getting to know that she only scored not even the passing marks, a 24%! Mrs. Williams was so angry that she couldn’t wait no more, she went upstairs with a stick only to see her sleeping. But don’t underestimate her! She knew that Lyn was just pretending. Obviously, because she’s her own child! She took her blanket off of her and started pulling her ears. “Ow, Mom! Don’t do it, it hurts!” Lyn said. “I will because I’m your mother, I have the full right to do so! And, what is this, huh?” Mrs. William showed her the test papers, “Only 24%? THAT’S NOT EVEN A TINY BIT CLOSE TO THE PASSING MARKS, FORGET 100%!” She yelled at the top of her voice. “That’s it. I’m sending you to a boarding school, far from our home.” Mrs. William said, being tired of Lyn’s shenanigans. “No, mom. Don’t! I don’t want to eat those disgusting foods and sleep in those dirty, never washed bedsheets!” Lyn said, begging and crying. “Those tears won’t stop me. I will tell your aunt to drop you there.” Mrs. William said. Without any more words, Mrs. William called Lyn’s aunt.

After sometime, Mrs. William came to Lyn and said, “Go pack your things, you’ll leave at 5 o’clock. You have only 3 hours left.” Lyn listened to what she said and started packing while sobbing and wiping her tears off.

After packing, it was already 4, meaning she only had an hour left to see her memorable house, a place where she had stayed for 13 years, a place where she first learned to walk, that’s just going to be a core memory. She told her mom that she’s just going to walk in the colony and to admire the place and her beautiful house. She went off and started walking towards the lake near her colony, The lake of the Golden Swans, which is a terrible name and does not relate to any history of that particular place she lives. Maybe, there lived actual Golden Swans which Humanity has yet not discovered, Who knows? She sat there thinking what she would do there.. “Will I be able to make friends? Are there any good teachers? Should I really go?” She kept thinking about the same thing for awhile, pretty much of an overthinker. It was already 4:38, it was getting dark and her aunt is going to get here soon.

After sometime, She finally decided and stood up, saying, “Bye, my dear Gopheril. See you after 5 years!”, And no, It’s not a boy’s name or a girl’s, It’s the name of the place, What a unique yet horrible name at the same time, haha.

While returning to her house, with a saddened face, she thought to look at her watch, but… she realized that the time was still 4:38! And it should not happen because she just bought it a day ago! She looked at the surroundings to look at the time, and she found a clock but that clock was also stuck at 4:38! Not even a single hand was moving! She thought that it was just a coincidence and that both the clocks were broken somehow when she suddenly looked up at the sky, only to see that all the birds were froze. She hurried back home: “No, what is happening?! This can’t be real! How can it be!? This is just- just total nonsense! Only things like this happen in books and games!” saying to herself. She pinched herself, thinking it was just hallucinations as the result for extreme sleep deprivation. She was so scared. She started walking and when she reached home, she saw that nothing was there, but a very unfamiliar house that she never saw in her life. She started yelling: “Hello? Is anyone here? Mom, Dad, Elder sister! Are you guys here? Please, it’s not a time for pranks. It’s getting late and I’m scared”, breaking down. She started walking towards the door of that house. While opening the door, she heard something strange...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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