Dragon Magical (Purple City):

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     I am shipping up to Rainbow Planet for a boxing match. I surprised my buddies such as Andy Can's, and Pink-Man. They couldn't believe my words. "Yup, yup. Mark my words." I said. Andy , munching on some Ramen Noodles (her favorite food) had asked:

"Who will you be fighting? I know you love boxing— and I cannot believe you made it this far!" She almost choked, and she took a sip of her favorite drink, Boba tea (also called Milk Tea)

My beautiful girlfriend, Mississipi Greens, we'll be able to join us along with her bandmates, well one of her bandmates, named Fin, who loves boxing just as much as I do. If you do not know, Rainbow Planet is located up in space, way across from Mars. It is the home of the vigilante Unicorn People. Unicorns are supposed to be nice, and full of rainbow, but guess again.

"Well don't talk with your mouth full!" I sneezed as Andy said "Heroes, bless you!"

Missippi laughed. She handed me a tissue. She always comes to things so well prepared.
Oh, I forgot to tell you who And Can's is. Andy Can's is Chester Can's, a vigilante, twin brother who both have the same power, turning into can. Chester always had said to me that she wanted to become a superhero, not a villain, as she felt that being evil just wasn't part of her "blood."

"Anyways," I said, "I will be fighting Unicorn Rupert. He, along with my girlfriend, both gasped in complete, and utter shock.

"Unicorn Rupert? He, Andy Can's, had stammered, "As in MAX'S THE RAINBOW UNICORN brother?! HE'S A VILLAIN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" I told her to calm down at once.

"Calm down." She said, "It's a villain vs superhero match. I just.... Never bothered to tell you because, well, I knew this is how you'd react, well to you Andy Can's anyways. It's going to be announced on our news channel next week."

"Okay, okay." Andy Can stammered, "I apologize for my overreaction, but Missippi, did you know about this? And I am wondering, who is hosting this boxing match?"

Missippi shook her head: "No." But she told me she was proud of me, not wanting to give up this boxing match because of Max the Unicorn Man.

"Rudy Purple and his son Craig Purple. So, the mayor of Purple City and his son, who loves the sport. It'll be held at Rainbow Arena!"

Pink- Man looked like he had mixed emotions, not being supportive of me. I could understand his concerns, though.

"You're gonna get hurt, but you're also gonna crush it because you're so strong." Pink- Man said, and smiled,

"He already tried to capture you, and well, now he's gonna try and destroy you again?" I nod my head.

Yes, of course he's going to try, and destroy the heck out of me, but I don't care. I am all about the violence, and occassionally, all about the gore that sometimes comes along with boxing.

"Yeah, that's correct. But I have a plan in order to win this match, and for him not to destroy me again. But this is the ultimate surprise."

Missisipi did not have a look of fear, but rather beaming pride in her face. I am so glad she did not over react, and sometimes the best of the bet support vs the other superheroes combined (though I dare wouldn't tell them that)! I knew in my heart it was best not to say such a thing.

"What's the surprise?" Andy had asked me. I guffawed.

"Well, a surprise is a surprise isn't it?" She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, I guess you are totally right....." She rebuked.

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