Chapter (5)

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' What's your type? '

' You '



it's just me. Plus, Ryyu seems like a reasonable guy.
We ventured deeper into the forest, the dappling sunlight filtered through the thick canopy above, painting the forest floor in patches of light and shadow.

Ryyu's silhouette cut a strong figure against the shifting shadows, his gaze occasionally drawn upward to the intricate patterns of light playing on the leaves above. The floral whispered secrets in the gentle breeze, a serene backdrop to our meandering path. Occasionally, a stray beam of sunlight would find its way through the foliage, illuminating Ryyu's stoic profile.

A deer crossed our path, its hooves making soft pattering sounds on the fallen leaves. Ryyu paused for a moment, his keen eyes following the creature's swift movements until it disappeared into a tangle of roots. I chuckled softly, marveling at how such a simple moment could momentarily thaw his usual distant demeanor. He's too cute!! (*≧∀≦*)

The forest seemed alive around us, every rustle of leaves and chirp of birds adding to the vibrant tapestry of nature. I could feel the soft earth beneath my feet, the occasional crunch of twigs underfoot punctuating our conversation. A gentle breeze whispered through the branches, causing the leaves to shimmer and dance. 

Above us, the canopy formed a natural mosaic of light and shade, casting intricate patterns on the forest floor. Shafts of sunlight played hide-and-seek with the leaves, creating fleeting moments of brightness that danced around us as we walked. It was as if the forest itself was alive with playful spirits, welcoming us into its embrace.

My hand brushed against his briefly, a fleeting touch amidst the natural rhythm of our steps. His eyes flickering beside me " This is getting weird," I murmured half to myself, adjusting my pace to walk closer to the child beside me. Unbeknownst to me, a faint frown creased Ryyu's brow before he masked it with his usual dark demeanor.

He broke the silence with a question that hung in the air like the scent of oak and earth. "Are you really a yokai?" His voice, normally reserved, carried a hint of genuine curiosity.

Kieko's steps faltered slightly on the soft bed of pine needles, amused by the turn of conversation. I couldn't help but tease and laugh. " You decide! I might just be a weirdo in a costume," I smirked, the sarcasm lacing my words softened by the playful glint in my white eyes. It was a fun opportunity.

" Hn..." His voice barely above a whisper, a subtle smile playing at the corners of his lips, filled with a knowing that seemed to transcend ordinary understanding.

I heard him mutter softly, his words almost lost in the rustle of leaves overhead. " Interesting..." .His remark caught my attention, and my ears twitched involuntarily.  Interesting? I had to waste my words for, just an Interesting!? Д゚≡゚Д゚) .

The forest around us seemed to hold its breath, as if awaiting Ryyu's next words. His presence, like a shadow cast by the moonlight filtering through the canopy, carried a weight of ancient wisdom and experience. I wondered what thoughts were passing through his mind as he regarded me with that steady gaze. So brooding( ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ഒ

" Here we are!" Kieko's voice rang out, filled with the energy of accomplishment, as she tugged on the vibrant red robe I wore. Despite her small stature, her determination was palpable, and I found myself obediently following her lead, with the man named Ryyu trailing behind us. Damn, for a little girl she's strong.

The forest gradually began to thin out, yielding to a path that promised escape from the dense foliage. It had been a journey of about two hours, filled with the rustling of leaves and occasional glimpses of sunlight filtering through the canopy.

As we neared the edge of the forest, the atmosphere seemed to change subtly. The dappled light that had danced among the leaves now stretched out in long, golden rays that bathed the forest floor in warmth. Shadows cast by the towering trees shifted and swayed with the gentle breeze, creating a natural mosaic of light and dark patterns.

The air itself felt lighter, carrying with it the scent of earth and greenery mingled with the distant fragrance of wildflowers. Birds chirped softly in the background, adding a melodic touch to the serene ambiance. A feeling of tranquility settled over us, as if the forest itself was bidding farewell to our brief intrusion into its secluded domain.



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Ryyu's murmured gratitude broke the stillness, his voice carrying a sense of reverence for the journey we had undertaken together. He bowed graciously to both Kieko and me, a gesture that spoke volumes of his respect and acknowledgment. " May we all see again," he uttered softly, his eyes briefly meeting mine.



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