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In a big lavish mansions sitting area, two families were discussing something amongst themselves...

Both families came from influential wealthy backgrounds with powerful connections....

They were discussing how to merge this power to increase their influence....

A man in his early 30s (35) was sitting down in one of the sofas, his legs spread, hands spread on the sides of the sofa seat, he was wearing crisp white shirt and trousers, with a black overcoat on top , his hand held an expensive watch that glistened, he had a black minimal beard which looked like he kept clean and tidy from time to time, his nose and jaw were extremely sharp which made him look like a greek god. He was known as Arjun, the powerful and influential voice of today, a politician and businessman by profession. He was highly educated having studied abroad and was committed to his studies and career to the point where he did not have any sort of romantic relationships in his entire  life and believed in his one and only soulmate, future partner. He believed that when the right time comes he will find her and will marry her and live  HEA.

A bright and beautiful woman who was in her prime age of 28, was with both beauty and brains. She was highly educated having done mbbs and now practicing as a doctor in one of her father's hospital. She came from an influential and powerful family, her dad being a politician and businessman, and her being the only daughter, was loved and cherished by both her parents... they never pressured her to pursue anything she didn't want... and encouraged her in everything that was good for her... She had an extremely strong aura of helping those around her and being empathetic.... she was also extremely focused on her studies and thus never had any sort of romance with men in her life. She strongly believed that everyone is made in pairs, and her significant other will definitely find her and she vowed to be deeply devoted to her future husband/lover. Alongside being a doctor she also helped her father in his business as well... However, none of her father employees knew whose daughter she was neither were they told or informed about it as she wanted to make her own appearance and image and not be just known as her wealthy fathers daughter....

As both families chit chat with each other about office matters , Arjun kept stealing glancing of Anisha now and then, she looked beautiful in her casual blue kurti and blue trousers... Anisha was absolutely unaware of his stare and kept chit chatting with Arjun younger sister instead as they were really nice friends.... Anisha never really looked at Arjun that way, she always saw him as her older brother as he was her dear friends older brother too....

Arjun seemed really happy and lowkey ecstatic as he knew what was gonna come up...

It was very early decided by Arjun and his dad and Anishas dad, that Anisha and Arjun were to be wed, their mothers knew too as they were really good family friends, this was based on the fact that their businnesses can merge and become extremely powerful together and also that a good man like Arjun would be the petect fit a good woman like Anisha, there was no other man that Anishas father trusted enough near her daughter....

However, Anisha and Arjuns sister had no idea about this as they both didn't really bother to indulge in the elders conversations and just talked about their own lives....

Today was the day that both their parents were gonna properly discuss this marriage and ask for both Arjun and Anishas Approval...

As Anishas father spoke "Dear Anisha and Arjun, we as parents want to speak to you guys about something..."

arjun being aware smirked and kept looking at anishas for her expressions

Anisha, who wasn't paying attention now looked at her parents and arjuns parents....

Anisha: "Haan, papa, what's the matter?"

Anisha Father: Beta your mother and I, along with Arjuns parents have decided to take our family relations to the next level, we want you both to get married and settle down together.." said anisha's father in a calm and loving tone to anisha....

Anisha was surprised because this was extremely random and out of nowhere, she for a second zoned out... even Arjun sister was surprised too as no one in her family told her about this, but even then she didn't have any problem with Anisha being her brother wife and her sister-in-law and she would be happy if that happens so she looked at her parents and her brother and then went to back to normal now a bit excited of everything going on...

Anisha stuttered and struggled to speak "papa what?, uhh, tumi ki bolchho papa?" said anisha in bengali (what are you saying?)

Arjun was now lowkey nervous and fearful of her rejection bc he acc liked her and wanted a woman like her as his significant other and had no problem with marrying her and spending the rest of his life with her....

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