chap 2

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* beep, beep*

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* beep, beep*

angel: June that's our limo lets go


june: okay, okay I'm just clipping up my heel

angel: okay, hurry up then

june: okay, okay I'm ready


( at the gala 'cause I'm a lazy bitch)

As we get out the car there are lights flashing in every direction and our names being called never knowing where too look...




angel: sometime soon, you'll have to wait and see 

:come on June lets model walk this shit 


"YOU TWO ARE STUNNING" - some female pap

June: thank you my love 

angel: bye you guys *blows kiss*

she says as she walks straight into the building away from the bright flashes and the shouting

security: names please?

angel: Angel Avery, Avery Advertising

june: June Knight, Knight Industries 

security: so sorry ladies didn't recognise you both, you may go in

june: thank you, we understand you have to double check these things 

angel: thank you 

Heading inside the main room, the room looks exactly how you'd expect it too, classy and elegant, actually you'd class it as Pinterest worthy, i need to take pics of this place as soon as because it is drop dead gorgeous...

Heading inside the main room, the room looks exactly how you'd expect it too, classy and elegant, actually you'd class it as Pinterest worthy, i need to take pics of this place as soon as because it is drop dead gorgeous

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??: is that the beautiful Angel Avery 


henry: hey you

angel: what are you doing here, i thought you were still meant to be in the Sates

henry: i got asked if i wanted to go this and when they said you were going i couldn't say no

june: what about me

henry: so sorry, come give me a hug then 


henry: i missed you guys 

angel: us too 

june: i think our families are chatting to each other, we should probably go over there

angel: yeh we probably should

henry: *nods*


Thank you all so much for reading, love you all

Hope you enjoyed, new chap coming soon....

Your Author xx

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