*Requested* Predaking x femme Pt.1

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I laughed as Predaking picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, "Predaking! Put me down!" He shook his helm and carried me to our shared berthroom.

When we entered he went and laid down on our berth and set me on top of him, I giggled and he pulled me closer to him so I was laying on top of him, "Megatron will get angry if he finds out we are in our berthroom and not working." He shrugged his shoulders and pulled me closer to him, "he'll just have to deal with it, I want to spend time with my beautiful femme so thats what I'm going to do."

I smiled and nuzzled into him making him chuckle, "you're beautiful." I smiled and looked up at him, "and your handsome." He placed a servo on the side of my face and placed a soft kiss on my dermas, "I love you (y/n)."

"I love you to king." He hummed contently and placed another kiss on my dermas. We stayed like that for a few minutes before both of our comms went off, I quickly answered mine, "(y/n)! Explain to me why you are not in your station working!" I winced at how loud Lord Megatron was yelling, "I was just spending time with my sparkmate, my liege, I won't let it happen again."

"There will not be a next time!" I flinched and then sighed when he hung up, I looked up at Predaking who, at the moment was clearly upset. I placed a servo on the side of his face and kissed him, "I love you, I'll see you after my shift." He nodded and got up with me as we both headed out.

He was most likely heading towards Shockwaves lab while I was stuck heading to the control room, I was the ships mechanic/ weapons specialist, I loved my job it just got over whelming sometimes especially when you barley ever get to see your mate.

I walked in and was met with a still infuriated Megatron. I looked at him and bowed, "is there anything I can help you with my liege?"

He got up and walked towards me circling me, "you have two jobs (y/n), does cuddling with your sparkmate fit into those two jobs?" I shook my helm, "no my liege." He nodded and then stopped in front of me bending down a little bit to were he was optic level with me, "so, I think we both can say you understand what your place is and what you need to be doing during your work hours, can't we?"

I nodded, "yes my Lord, we can. Now may I head over to my work station since nothing needs to be repaired?" He nodded and I simply turned and walked out of the control room. I hated him he's such a fragging aft, I mean does he ever get tired of being angry all the time, probably not but it would be good to see a Megatron that's just a little bit more open to letting a femme spend some fragging time with her mate for primus's sake!

I entered the weapons room only to come face to chasis with someone, I looked up to see Predaking standing in front of me. I sighed and smiled at him, "hey love." He smiled and leaned down to kiss me, "how was your talk with Megatron? Did he do anything to you?"

I shook my helm and sighed, "no he just told me I need to work instead of cuddling with you." Predaking then fake pouted, "but I love it when you want to cuddle." I giggled and smiled at him, "I know but we also have to listen to Lord Megatron."


I was held back by Starscream as Megatron pushed my raging mate out of the ship. I let out a scream of horror as I watched Predaking fly out the ship.

The Autobot medic, Ratchet, had told us what the cons had done to project predacon and it had set Predaking off.

"I'll deal with her." I looked at Megatron who had apparently been discussing what to do with me, I looked at him and yelped as he harshly grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him, "you know (y/n), before we found out Predaking could transform I had planned to make you my queen."

My optics widened as he went on, "and now that he's out of the way, I believe I'll follow through with that plan wether you like it or not you will give birth to my heir." I shook my helm and sobbed, "p-please no."

He chuckled and forced me to start walking, "but as of right now I hope you enjoy your stay in the brig." My optics widened, "t-the b-brig."

"Well how can I be sure you won't run off?" And then he pushed me in and cuffed my wrist and then walked out and locked the door. I'd been in here a few times but I've never been the one locked up.

I walked over to a corner and sat down. Predaking would come back for me, wouldn't he? He wouldn't leave me here.

After a few long and horrible hours of being locked in this horrible place, the door slid open. I scooted back in the corner in fear, it was most likely Megatron, but when I looked up I saw none other than Optimus Prime standing there.

I cowered in fear as he approached me, "please don't hurt me."

He stopped right in front of me and knelt down, "why are you in here? You're a decepticon aren't you?" I nodded, "yes I am, but I only act as their mechanic and weapons specialist, I rarely ever go out on missions sir."

"Why are you in here?" I looked at him in surprise, I thought him and the other autobots in here would leave me after they found out I was a con.

"My...my mate Predaking went against Lord Megatron and he ended up getting thrown out of the ship, and now that tyrant wants to make me bear his sparkling and force me to become his mate. He wanted to make sure I wouldn't run away so that's why he threw me in here."

After I was done the big green one in the back shook his helm, "man, he even tried to steal someone's sparkmate."

But the other big mech stepped forward, "your Predakings femme?" I nodded and he sighed and looked at Optimus. Optimus looked at me and sighed, "he is here on Cybertron." My optics widened, "Cybertron?"

They nodded and explained to me everything that happened and after they were done Optimus looked at me with seriousness and asked me a question I thought I'd never get asked, " (y/n) there is a goodness in you that I've never seen in a con before, so would you like to join the autobots?"

My optics widened and I stared at him and then sighed, "I- I don't know, my mates a con, or, was." I looked down, I knew it was the right thing, I looked back up at Optimus, "I think I'll take up on that offer."


Do yall think I should do a part two??? I had a lot of fun writing this!

And I just wanted to remind yall, don't be afraid to request anything!

Transformers x femme reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now