Chapter 4

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In the office -

A black Ferrari stopped at the entrance of the VK enterprise building
A beautiful lady came out of it .

Her attire:-

The Girl -  I am back vicky! And this time I will not let you go

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The Girl -  I am back vicky! And this time I will not let you go .😏

Everybody was busy in work when someone asked the receptionist about vikram whereabouts. 
The receptionist first asked her about who she was? Why she wanted to meet him . Which angered the lady. 

Then the receptionist asked about having any appointment which added fuel to the anger .

Suddenly a slap landed on the face of the receptionist . The receptionist along with other co-workers was utterly shocked by the stunt the lady pulled. 

Girl - "Do you even know who the hell I am !! Huh?"

She shouted on the face of the receptionist. 

Girl -" I am the only daughter of Rahul khanna . "

Everyone started gossiping as rahul khanna was one the board member along with the position he held , he was also a family friend to the Sharma's .

The receptionist was on the verge of  crying and now started fearing after hearing all of this . She was having thousand of questions regarding her job and the dignity she hold in the  office.

Outside the office building:-

Vikram and karan Came out of their cars . They started heading towards the office this is when they heard some weird noises. 

Vikram - "what's happening here ??"

Karan - "maya !! 😳"
Why the hell are you here ?

Maya- "what!!"

Karan - oh, I mean "why are you here"

Now maya started making faces. 

Karan was going say something when vikram interrupted him , after scanning the whole scene he said

Vikram -" I want to know what happened here ???
That too right now . "

Maya started saying something when he stopped him showing his hand🤚

While looking with focus he noticed hand imprints on the receptionist face . He understood what might had happened here and started boiling with anger .

Right now the receptionist was hell scared because she thought she would be fired . After getting intense stares she started mumbling out of fear. 

Vikram asked maya and nidhi( the receptionist) to come to his cabin.

After they went from there everybody started getting busy in their work .

In the cabin :-

Vikram asked the receptionist to take a seat while completely ignoring maya .
Karan passed a glass of water to her.

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