The War

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Genya jumped at the explosion he snapped his head back his eyes widen seeing fire and smoke

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Genya jumped at the explosion he snapped his head back his eyes widen seeing fire and smoke.Genya shook his head and fear"Ubuyashiki-Sama!"Genya said he quickly bolted towards Kagaya mansion...

Kagaya crouched in front of Genya seeing he was crying"Hey little one where's your family?"Kagaya said.Genya just shook his head Kagaya gave a soft smile before he could touch Genya.A white haired boy ran in front of Genya blocking him from view"Don't touch him!"Sanemi yelled.Kagaya just smiled"I'm not here to harm but give you a chance to live"Kagaya said.Sanemi looked back at his brother before helping him up.He kept Genya pressed against him and followed behind Kagaya as he walked...

Genya ran faster towards the mansion he froze when he climbed the wall.Eveything was just rubbles and debris Muzan stood in the middle with Tamayo trapped inside as well.Genya bared his fangs he pulled his sword out"MUZAN!"Genya yelled.Muzan turned his attention Sanemi and towards Genya his eyes widen before he smiled"A demon eater?! They went extinct besides none of them could with stand my blood without fully turning into a demon!"Muzan laughed.

Sanemi glared at Muzan,Genya pulled his gun out and fired at Muzan purposefully missing Tamayo.Genya kept his sword in his hand wood came from his hand before wrapping around the sword making it longer.'Moon breathing first form Dark Moon,Evening palace!'Genya thought purple light wiped around him wood mixed with it aswell.

Muzan smiled harder the sound of a Biwa was heard suddenly doors appeared under all of them.Genya's eyes widen he felt himself falling deactivating his breathing he looked around to see multiple slayer falling around him aswell.Genya reached for a door and grabbed it holding onto it but he felt a sudden force knock him down.

Genya's eyes widen a demon had pounced on him Genya shoved his sword in the mouth of the demon.Him and the demon were falling Genya  back slammed against the floor he kicked the demon off him.Genya stood and swung his sword"Moon breathing second form Pearl Flower Moon Gazing!"Genya yelled cutting the demons head swiftly.

Genya looked around he could smell the scent of demons all around the castle.Genya snarled he started shooting at the doors,Genya looked to his left only to see his younger sister fall.Genya eyes widen"Sumi!"Genya yelled diving for her his hand reaching for her.

He grabbed her hand and yanked her towards his chest spinning them so he would take the fall.He groaned when he felt his ribs crack Sumi quickly got off of him and Genya stood up he froze when he heard a familiar voice.Genya crouched down and Sumi following behind Genya walked forward until he spotted two figures,Genya eyes widen seeing Muichiro pinned to a wall by a sword.

Upper 1 standing in front of Genya pulled out his gun and pointed at Kokushibou.He fired his gun but Kokushibou disappear he reappeared behind Genya.He cut off Genya's arm with the gun before the cutting the other along with cutting him in half.

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