Chapter 18

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The five girls stood in the hallway, "I...I didn't—I didn't do what A asked. Did you guys?" Tabby asked

"I couldn't" Faran said

"Me either" Noa said

"Same, but what do we do about them? Our bullies" Mouse said

"Let's just get through this" Faran said

Imogen was leaning against the wall, "Imogen? Are you okay?" Tabby asked

Imogen shook her head, "Nope. Definitely not" She said

"Wait?" Noa looked around, "Where's Juliette?" Noa asked worried

The girls all looked around before their phones ding again, "Another text" Faran said

"Well done. You showed mercy. Maybe there's hope. Gather in the auditorium. The trial begins now" Tabby read

"Wait, what about Juliette?" Noa told them
Mouse placed her hand on Noa's shoulder, "I'm sure she's okay" Mouse told her

Noa nodded her head but worry was still evident in her face as the girl headed into the auditorium. They saw their moms tied up with Punish the Guilty on a banner with six empty chairs, "Mom!" The girls yelled

The five girls go to run to their mothers, "Stay back!" Corey yelled

"Don't come any closer!" Sidney yelled in unison

The girls stopped right before the empty chairs as A walked out, "Okay. We're all here. Now tell us the truth. Are you Angela's brother?" Imogen asked

"He is" Principal Clanton walked out on stage with Juliette in front of him, blood dripping down her face, gun pointed at her, "His name is Archie" He said

"Principal Clanton?" Noa looked at Juliette, "Lettie, are you okay?" She asked

Before Juliette could respond, "Yes and Juliette here is fine. Now, have a seat" He instructed

"What?" Imogen said

The girls sat down at the chairs while Principal Clanton handed Juliette off to Archie, who grabbed the blonde's tightly arm, making sure she couldn't move, "What are you doing here?" Mouse asked
"I'm impressed with you girls, truly. You uncovered the identity of the man who violated my poor Angela" He said

"Wait, your poor Angela?" Faran asked
"That's right...My daughter. And Archie my son" He said

"Holy shit" Juliette whispered to herself

"So, A is for Archie. Not Angela. Got it" Imogen said

"How did we not know that you were her father? This doesn't add up" Elodie said

"But it does. How about I explain? I grew up in Millwood. I was classmates with Rose Waters, Angela's mother. As teens, we sang in the school choir together. Eventually, she took a liking to me, and after spending some time together...Rose got pregnant with twins. My parents didn't approve. The Waters family needed money, so we paid them off to move to another town, never to return. I stayed in Millwood, became a teacher here, then eventually, vice principal. And that's when Rose Waters came back. She wanted Angela to attend Millwood High to get a decent education" He explained

"Just Angela?" Imogen asked

"Rose said she wanted Archie at home with her, that he had a face only a mother could love. But no one could ever know the truth about our past. Rose understood and she kept her promise. And I watched my daughter go from class to class...and then...Angela took her own life. Not because of the assault. No, afterwards. Because of something you did" He continued

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