Be Safe Yugo

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3rd Pov

We see a calm peaceful village, the residence of the village going about their daily activities, within an alley a strange portal opens up, filling the sky with clouds and the village with mist, before a man in a cloak and two young looking people appear, the man in the cloak pushing a stroller

Rekkuuza: "Grougaloragran what's with taking him to be taken care of by some random being? He's safer with us!" She pleaded

Rayquaza: "Grougaloragran is doing what's best. Do not bother yourself sister." The walked through the forest and came over a bridge

Strange figure: standing on the bridge "Say, old man, what's in the baby carriage?" The three figures carry on as Their voice deepens suddenly "Why don't we take a closer look?" They pull off their cloak and reveal to be three people in one as they laugh and surround the three

Rekkuuza: "What meanies." She pouts, before mist surrounds them

Thief: "I like your trick with the mist but it-ahh!" He was punched with immense force and sent flying, before another was sent flying through the air and the last one was grabbed by the face

Rayquaza: "Filth." He threw the thief into a tree, the latter was sent flying through multiple trees "Behind us."

Xelor: he was standing at the end of the bridge where they came "Bravo, truly impressive. It didn't take you long to get rid of my goons. Appearances can be deceiving." He said with a suggestive tone, before the trio carried on, but the man appeared before them, blocking the carriage "Take me for example. In spite of my size, I have an insatiable appetite, and I have to devour the Wakfu in everything I encounter."

Rayquaza: "Leave us be, whoever you are, you are of no importance to us." He stepped forward, but Grougaloragran stopped him "Tch."

Rekkuuza: she giggles "You're so jumpy, Ray, you shouldn't be so mean to people you've just met." She smiles

Xelor: he speaks with slight annoyance "My trackers have just discovered an incredibly powerful source of Wakfu. Enough to satisfy my hunger for all eternity! But enough small talk." He teleported behind them again "It's about time you told where you get your incredible power. And what you're hiding in the baby carriage."

Grougaloragran: "Best be on your way, Xelor, or you will taste he wrath of Grougaloragran." He carried on with the other two at his sides

Xelor: "Grougaloragran? What a strange name, the only creatures with names like that are...the legends's impossible. They haven't existed since the dawn of time. Show me what you are, strange people!" He points to them "And don't try and trick me, or I'll crush you like a worthless insect!" He summoned a weapon and released a powerful blast

Rekkuuza: "Oh dear!" She grabbed the carriage and vanished into a large blue portal, before Rayquaza's pupils narrowed to slits, he caught the blast in his hand and it just dissipated, the dust cleared to reveal Rayquaza standing unscathed

Xelor: "Interesting." He teleported before Rayquaza, but Grougaloragran intercepted with a fist of fire and hit him back, before stomping the ground, destroying it and sending him flying again, but the Xelor froze time

Rayquaza: 'How irritating.' He moved within the stopped time, facing his hand toward the Xelor chest to charge a powerful red blast

Xelor: "Huh?! My time magic doesn't work on him!" The blast of energy was released, enveloping the Xelor in an the green energy nod destroying majority of the forest as time went on and send debris falling

Rekkuuza: she came out her portal "My, my, he was so mean. At least we kept baby Yugo safe." She giggled and held the stroller in hand, before they all turned and carried on walking, while the Xelor rose behind them his body was nearly destroyed as he laughed maniacally, before the trio disappeared within a veil of mist

3rd Pov

We see the trio standing in the distance, watching as a large burly man found baby Yugo within the basket Grougaloragran left him in along with the Tofu egg he enchanted with his power and left with the boy

Rekkuuza: "Bye, bye Yugo." She giggled and smiled solemnly

Rayquza: he crossed his arms and looked down "I wish you luck, king Yugo." They trio disappeared into a veil of smoke as the man took the infants with him to raise

The Home Island

We see a large island in the middle of the ocean as the trio emerge from a portal thanks to Rekkuuza, as they made it there, a small white dragon hatchling flew from the jungle and and onto Rayquza's shoulder

Rayquaza: "Hello to you too, Adamai." He scratched the hatchling under his chin as the small creature chittered

Rekkuuza: "Hi Adamai! You look so cute when you're tiny!" She giggles, but the hatchling huffed and turned away from here, before Grougaloragran spoke up

Grougaloragran: "Yugo has his own journey to take, but Rayquaza, you will see to Adamai's training when he is ready." He looked to Rekkuuza "And when the time comes, Yugo will be your responsibility." They both nod

Rekkuuza: "I wonder what type of leader he will grow into." She giggles "What do you think, brother?"

Rayquaza: he had Adamai on his shoulder as he nods "King Yugo will grow into a capable leader once more, but for now, we will ensure he will have the strength to overcome whatever challenges he encounters on his way." He felt drool on his and looked up to see Adamai nibbling on his head "You too, Adamai."

Grougaloragran: he nods "You are completely right, Rayquaza, as you always are." He walked off into the jungle

Rekkuuza: she pouts a little bit "So lucky, you get to take care of such a cutie! Adamai was always so cute when he was a baby." She huffs, before opening a portal "Good luck on your training though!" She enters it, before Rayquaza holds Adamai in his arms and jumping into the air, vanishing

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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