Heads or Tails

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Hey guys, soo sorry for the long wait. Here is your update! Don't forget to vote! Enjoy.


"ALRIGHT, TEAM ONE, HEADS OR TAILS," Coach Otis yelled. He adjusted his cap and pointed at the group of people opposite us.

I have to strain my eyes. It was 4 in the afternoon, the sun was blasting its full heat onto us. I needed an energy drink or at least a bottle of water but of course I forgot to bring some. Everyone was sweating like crazy and they had to constantly take off their bright-coloured bibs. Although Otis shouts at them to 'put it back on, ya nitwits," they just gave him a side eye and ignored his entire existence.

"TAILS," announced Aaron with full confidence. There were not any hints of hesitation in his voice- he was dead set on tails. Ha, I'd like to see his reaction when he gets it wrong.


I rolled my eyes as if that's the most obvious thing in the universe. A light gust of wind blew my hair onto my face. I tucked the loose strands of hair behind my ears.

Coach nicked the coin up in the air with his index finger and caught it in his sweaty palm.


Of course it is.

Asshole Aaron ran through his hair and gave our side a broad grin that showcased his straight pearly whites. I scowled at him. I wanted to wipe his grin off his face. I can easily beat him.

"GET TO YOUR POSITIONS NITWITS!" Coach shreiked. Is it just me or does he happen to carry a non-existent megaphone?

Everyone went to their positions. I jogged over next to Dean in the centre of the pitch.

I looked around and realized we had an advantage: our team had six players while Aaron's has only five.

We're so going to beat their asses.

Almost immediately, a guy who I think was called Ian kicked the ball to Chase and was heading for our goal. I side-tackled him and gave the ball enough force for it to arrive directly on the side of Dean's bright red cleats.

"What the-"

I stuck my tongue out at him as he stood there in shock. What was so hard to believe? 

Dean signalled for Luke as he edged to the goal but Aaron beat them to it. He ran beside Dean and slid the ball away from Dean. Aghhh, Team 1 was currently back in possession.

Luke, Dean and I tried to build a circle to surround and tackle Aaron before he got to a shooting distance but he freaking passed it to Chase! All we could do was to look at how the ball travelled through the air looking down at us disapprovingly. Chase caught the ball with his knee and flicked it towards the net.

It brushed against the tip of Mike's index finger and hit the back of the net.

"SCORE!!!" Coach Otis chucked his clipboard onto the grass and jumped up victoriously.

"Hey, the game's not even over yet! And you're not supposed to take sides!" Dean complained with his hands spread out.

"THE GAME ENDS WHEN I SAY IT ENDS!" Coach Otis shouted. Thank god this is ending now. I can't bear him for another moment longer or my ears are going to explode. His voice was a pain to my ears. 

I heard a deep chuckle behind me. Aaron. Fucking. Bryce. 

Coach noticed straight away. "SO SHARE WITH US MR BRYCE AND MISS GINGER, what's so FUNNY?" he hissed at us. Oh I've said it out loud.

"Nothing, Coach Otis," I replied as politely as I could.

"THEN SHUT UP," I winced. His breath smelled like tuna and rotten cabbages.

I gave him a side eye when he wasn't looking which earned me a sly smirk from Aaron. God, I hate him.


Half done. More tmr!!! 

Continued below >>>


"Soo, what'd you think?" Abby slid one arm through her Adidas puffer jacket. We were talking about everyone in our team.

Since we were the only girls in the team, we had to change with the cheerleaders- aka the bitchy drama queens Natasha O'Connor, Lilianna Mills, Eva Samuels and Ella Clarke.

"TAASHAAR, WHERE DE FLIP IS MY CONCEALER," I heard Ella wailing as she peered into a tiny pink heart-shaped mirror. She had on her cheerleader outfit- the one with a huge 'O' on the front and stripes of red and black (our school's colours). She was sticking false lashes on her eyelids.


Out of the blue, Natasha screamed and it wasn't just any scream- it was so high I swear it could match Mariah Carey's exact whistle note.

Yes, I'm not even joking.

"Did Mariah Carey say she was performing at Oakmont High or is it just some wannabe who needs to be in the centre of attention 24/7?" I snapped at her.

Everyone froze and turned to stare at me like I grew another head. Natasha positioned her palm flat against her mouth and gave me an astonished look.

Yeah, I probably shouldn't have said that but sometimes my mouth is quicker than my head and I couldn't care less since what I have said isn't wrong.

I could see Abby already filming this.

"ExCUse me?" she blinked rapidly as if  she wanted to zap me away like a little fly with her glaring electric eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry, the queen bee can't take an honest insult because it will hurt her huge EGO," I added emphasis onto the last word and pouted my lips. 

"At least I'm a QUEEN, and oh yeah, don't you play for the BOYS' SOCCER TEAM?" she sniggered and glanced at Lilianna with a knowing look.

"SO? At least I can play soccer."

"At least I can do gymnastics."

"What makes you think I can't do gymnastics?" I smiled. Not a lot of people know this but I am actually pretty flexible- not as bendy as Tilda of course but still, I can do splits and handstands and cartwheels.

"Ha, I bet you can't."

"NO ONE tells me what I CAN and NOT-"

'Cuz you're basically a BOY."

"What the FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL ME?" I balled up my fists.

"A boy," she chorused with the rest of her minions.

That's the last straw.



(1032 words) Please don't forget to vote!


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