1| The distraction

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I look in the mirror and notice I have blood dripping down from my forehead. I try to wipe it away with my hand, but it didn't stop bleeding.

"How did your mission go today? Knowing you, I bet you were successful." one of my spy friends asked me.

"It was great, we got some new information on the -" I say before getting cut off, "Agent Black, Director Johnson wants to see you," his associate says. 

I head to my director's office with his bodyguards close behind me. When I get there, his bodyguards open the door for me.

"Sir, you needed me?" I say taking a seat in front of him.

"Yes Emily. I have another very important mission for you. We need you to track down the Mafia." Director Johnson says.

"The Mafia?" I say sounding a bit reluctant.

"Yes, I need you to find out the code to their safe. It is full of codes, money, and illegal substances. If you get enough evidence, we might be able to take them down for good. I know they are very dangerous people, but since you are one of my best spies, I know you can handle it." Director Johnson says.

"I guess I can do it," I say with my head held high.

"Great, your training starts tomorrow."

-The next morning-

I get out of bed, and I go to my face-activated closet to find my black fitted spy suit, my pistol, crowbar, and knife. I hop in my black Lamborghini and drive to the spy headquarters, where I find Director Johnson waiting for me.

"Hi, I'm ready," I fasten my black belt around my waist.

"Great, follow me." He says starting to walk.

He leads me to the secret underground training room where every spy I know practices. One of my good spy friends is also waiting for me. Her name is Amber, she has black, thick hair, a dark brown eyes. 

"Hi girl, are you ready to train to try to take down one of the most powerful men in the world?" Amber says, knowing I'm really nervous.

"I was born ready," I say, motioning her with my hands to come fight me. 

She throws a couple good punches at me, but I block all of them and knock her down on the ground. She quickly gets back up and tries to give an uppercut, but I wasn't having it. I give her one final blow and she was out.

"Great job," I say, helping her up.

"You too, you're definitely ready," she says giving me a smile.

"I hope," I say walking back over to my director.

"What's the plan," I say.

After he finishes telling me the plan, I think about it. He wants me to go to a house party where the mafia boss's son will be attending and lure him over to me by my dancing skills.

"Ok, I have never had a mission like this before, but I can do that." I say confidently.

"Good. We have already got an earpiece that we can talk to you in, and the dress you will be wearing." Johnson says.

"Ok, when is the party?" I ask him.

"In one week," he says. "I will tell you what his son looks like when it's the day of the party."

"Yes sir," I say.

-One week later-

"Blue eyes, brown hair, male, around 6 feet, " Director Johnson reads through the son's files, as he communicates to me through an earpiece.

"Are your eyes on the target yet?" Director Johnson asks.

"I think I see him; I will move in." I speak back.

As I walk towards the suspect, I can't help but notice that he's kind of cute.

"Start dancing to the song," Director Johnson says.

I roll my eyes and start to do the macarena. I glance over at the suspect and see that he is already staring at me. I hate my tight dress right now.

"Plan is already starting to work," I say through my earpiece.

"Good," he says.

"Hey beautiful, mind if I buy you a drink?" the son says.

I fake a smile and say, "Sure. After this do you wanna go somewhere a little more-" I lean in and whisper in his ear. "Private?"

He smirks and heads over to the bar to get us some drinks. I can't believe how easy this is. I got a sleeping powder to put in his drink. He will never see it coming.

"I got us a few shots. They're extra strong," he looks at my lips.

"Thank you," I smile and down the shot in one gulp. I turn my head and wrinkle my face. "Gosh that was disgusting." I say to myself.

I turn back around and say, "So, you want to go upstairs now?" 

"Sure baby." he picks me up and slings me over his shoulder. He also grabs 2 more shots for the both of us.

Once we get upstairs, he sets me down on a couch and excuses himself to the restroom. When he's out of sight, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Remember you're on a mission Emily, don't get sidetracked." Johnson says.

"I know, I know." I say rolling my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 hours ago ⏰

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