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"How was the walk to school Willow? Did you meet anyone new?" I asked the light haired girl next to me, who looked up from her phone as we walked into Pine Hill High, our high school.

"I met this guy. I dropped all of my stuff and he helped me pick it up." My eyes narrowed at the girl's words.

"What did he look like?"

"What's with all the questions?" Willow's eyes narrowed and I chuckled nervously.

"Just trying to make sure he wasn't trying to kidnap you or something." She laughed, it was sweet like honey on marshmallows. Which is in fact, a lovely combination. "But honestly, should I be worried about my best friend?"

She laughed again and shook her head as we entered the science classroom. "Nope. He was really tall, taller than you in fact, with shorter dark brown hair. And his eyes.." We took our seats as the bell rang. "Oh my god Char, his eyes were the prettiest shade of bluish green I've ever seen. It's like the sea when you're over a coral reef. They have these little pops of color randomly."

I smiled at the girl's description. He wasn't the one I was supposed to be looking for. "Did he give you a number?"

I bumped her shoulder as she blushed. "No but I gave him mine. He's transferring here from his old school in Greece. He shares a lot of classes with the two of us."

"That's cool."


"Would yall shut up for once in your lives?" Mr. Badour demanded and the class fell silent. I felt eyes on my head and I glanced up at the front of the room. There was a teenage boy, maybe a year older than me, who fit the description of the transfer student Willow was talking about. "This is Hermes Gallio, our new Greek transfer student. Please make him feel welcome."

The cheerleaders were already drooling over the man, despite dating most of the football team, and the football team was glaring at him in return.

"Mr. Gallio, you can take a seat in front of Miss. Jones and Miss. Miller. They'll show you around the school, won't you ladies?" Mr. Badour narrowed his eyes at us. Willow quickly and eagerly nodded but I glared back at the teacher as Hermes took a seat in front of me.

"Sure." I hissed back.

"Be nice Char." Willow tossed a stern look my way before turning a little to the side and sticking out her hand for the boy to shake. "I'm Willow Jones. The girl you met earlier."

"Nice to meet you formally then." He shook her hand before turning to me. "And who might you be, Miss Miller?"

"None of your business Mr. Gallio." I glared at his extended hand and his lips curved into a smirk. If I could keep my name being spoken to a minimum then it would be so much better for both the mission and Willow.

"That's Charlotte. She's not really a people person."

"I can tell." Herme's eyes studied my face intently before turning around as Mr. Badour started his lesson. 

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