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The little flashes of colors stayed with me all day. They followed me in the halls, held my own gaze anytime I was trying to focus and were now following me out of the school. I sped up, rounding a sharp corner and made my way into a dark alleyway, pulling my phone out.

"Hey Chloe, can you send Kevin to come pick me up?" I asked into the phone, checking that the brown haired boy had already passed the alleyway.

"Why?" The girl's voice was suspicious yet playful.

"I've got someone tailing me. Just send Kevin and I'll explain who they are."

"Yeah okay, I've got Kevin on his way."

"Thanks Clo, I'll see you soon."

"Love ya." The connection cut and I stuffed my phone in my jean pocket, taking in my surroundings.

There was a cozy little cafe nestled into the quiet street. It didn't seem very busy so I walked in, content on getting a hot chocolate while I waited for my brother to get here.

"Hello, what can I get for you?" The barista asked as I made my way to the counter, feeling a person's gaze on my back.

"Hey, can I get a hot chocolate?" I smiled at the girl, who looked no more than 16 and she nodded.

"While I'm getting that rung up, would you happen to know the boys in the corner?" She nudged her head towards a group of boys. There were three of them chatting. I recognized all three. Hermes sat closest to the window, his eyes sparking in the cafe's soft lighting. The other two were who concerned me the most. Chloe had to deal with both of them last time they came around town.

Apollo and Ares, odd name choices right?

Apollo was seated on Hermes's left, having an animated conversation and flailing his arms around. His blonde hair was perfect as always and his sky blue eyes alight with excitement. Ares on the other side, was looking grumpy as always. His silver eyes glaring at the other before him and his dark brown hair was slightly disheveled.

"I know two of them through a close friend and the other is a new transfer student at my school." I plastered a fake smile on my face.

"Oh, okay. Your total is 6.40." She nodded and I handed her 15 dollars.

"Please keep the change."

"I can't do that! It's way too much." I smiled at the frazzled barista.

"Consider it a thank you for tipping me off about the boys."

She looked like she wanted to protest but accepted the money, handing me my drink.

"I put my number on there if you ever need anything."

I nodded. "Would you happen to have a pen and paper on you?"

I walked over to the boy's table, somewhat reluctantly and noticed a Cadillac CTS Sedan pulling up in front of the shop.

Apollo looked up at me as I approached and smiled. I scowled at him and set the piece of paper on the table between the three.

"If you're going to watch me Hermes, at least figure out how to do it well." I mused, waving at Kevin. "I knew you were following me the entire time, watching me while I called a friend. And you two, you should leave. You being here is gonna cause a lot of trouble."

I made my way out of the store and waved to the barista.

Kevin's window was down. "I see Apollo and Ares are back in town."

I nodded, glancing back at the trio quickly before taking a seat in Kevin's car.

We spent the better half of the drive with a small conversation about my school day and I smiled as we approached the familiar house.

"How's June been?" I asked, getting out of the car and shutting the door. We walked up to the large house's front door and Kevin opened it for me. June was the lady responsible for our branch of the agency, hence the mansion sized house. Around six of us, between the ages of 15 and 23, stayed in the various rooms.

"She's been good. Missing you though." I laughed as we entered the kitchen. It was comforting from the smell of baked goods to the sign sitting above the table that read Just a bunch of kids with PTSD and problems with authority. It always made things better.

"How's the Lidia situation shaping up?" I ask, sensing Kevin tense up beside me and I scanned the room for her.

"We still haven't found Dia." Kevin's voice was soft and shaky. I turned and found tears glittering in his chocolate brown eyes.

"Kev, I promise we'll find her." I pulled him into a hug, running a hand through his messy black hair and trying to ignore the aching in my heart. None of my team deserved it. "She's a strong girl, she'll be okay."

We stood there like that for a minute before the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" I called up into the house and let go of the younger boy. I swiped a black pistol off the counter and turned the safety off as I made my way to the front door. Swinging it open, I was met with an unpleasant surprise.

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