chapter 19

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'So warm, so soft...' I snuggled closer to the warm body in my arms wanting to stay as close as possible for as long as possible.

a steady purr rumbled in my chest as I nuzzled closer to the female before me, pushing my face between the soft squishy globes of her breasts. being so close and having her in my arms just felt right.

Unfortunately my cuddling was cut short as she stirred and started squirming to get free of my hold. frowning, and unable to rest with her moving around so much I sleepily pulled away enough to look at the small woman.

Eiso had Nala in a tight hold, his arms and tail wrapped around her body, his face buried in her mane. as she saw me awake she gave me a pleading look. she was completely trapped in my brother's grasp.

a grumble sounded from her stomach as she whined pitifully.

smiling at the position the two were stuck in as Eiso slept like a kit I pulled.away and sat upright, Yawning and stretching my limbs and tail.

As much as I wanted to continue cuddling as well I knew Nala needed some food and water and seeing Eiso holding onto her like an infant to its mother was far too funny to interrupt.

climbing out of the nest I made my way over to Eiso's sack he had been carrying around yesterday and dug through it, pulling out a few of the fruits we had gathered.

as I pressed and cut some open for Nala to eat I could hear Nala say my brother's name in a questioning tone. looking back I was a bit surprised seeing Eiso rubbing his body against hers in his sleep. 'Is he having some kind of Erotic dream?'

I watched on, curious, but as Nala struggled to get away, Eiso suddenly snapped.

his eyes opened and he snarled before practically attacking Nala pushing her to the bed. I flinched at the sudden violent reaction and set the fruit down before making my way over. 'Eiso!'

I grabbed my brother's shoulder expecting him to snap out of whatever trance he was in, and realize where he was but he didn't budge and only snarled more until I pulled him off her.

Nala was a bit frightened and confused much like myself as I got him off her and he continued to glare and growl at me. 'What are you doing?' I questioned, looking over my brother.

his chest was heaving and after a moment he grabbed his head. 'brother?'

'Yes, it's me... did you have a night terror?'

'i- no i just- my head feels funny.' Eiso responded, unsure himself.

my eyes flickered to Nala as she cautiously approached my brother in worry and touched his cheek. He practically melted into her touch as his face took on a dreamy expression and she examined him.

before either of us knew what was happening he practically lunged at her again with a desperate, pained noise escaping him.

Nala squealed in surprise and my eyes widened before a growl came forth from my own chest. 'Eiso! you're going to hurt her!' I rushed forward grabbing his arm and shoulder to pull him off but he was holding onto Nala and anchoring himself to the bed not seeming to listen or care.

"brother! stop this! what is happening to you!?" I snapped out loud while trying to wrestle him off of Nala. Only then did I notice how feverish his body was and how unfocused his eyes- 'is he sick?!'

even if that was the case I had never seen such a reaction to any illness like this! 'i-I need...' Eiso stuttered, sounding practically delusional.

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