Moral Support

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TW: Mild violence (just sibling dynamics between Aut and Reece but I didn't want anyone to feel uncomfortable)

"Ah, that'll be Charlotte! Come on in, my love!" Marjorie beamed, welcoming an uncomfortable-looking Char into the room.

"What is she doing here?" hissed Autumn. To her credit, however, Charlotte didn't recoil or flinch like she may have in the past. She really had grown a backbone.

"Well since Reece has already been sharing some of the story with me, Marjorie thought it may be helpful if I was here as well for this," she responded before Marjorie could. Autumn aimed a harsh kick at her brother's shin, who immediately winced in pain.

"You told?!" she growled at him. Reece had the decency to flush slightly as he rubbed his leg, wincing.

"Aut, I thought we spoke about the kicking. Plus she made me and I haven't really told her anything to be honest." At Char's confirming nod, Autumn leaned back in her chair, adequately appeased by the response.

***hello everyone! next chapter, we start the questions and chapters will probably get a little longer- these two were just build up and anticipation chapters. I realise characters may be a little ooc but I tried to get them as close to their actual characters as possible. Let me know what you think :)) 


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