Perfect for each other

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Mrunal  and avyan
Married for 2 years
Long distance relationship

The train was moving very slow thought mrunal to herself ... she had been holding onto to so many feelings since so long that it was getting very difficult for her  to pass the time in the train. She was heading towards her love, her husband and her friend. Avyan  was everything  to her! Her peace, happiness  and strength. Mrunal was bethroted  to avyan since her school days. Their parents were family friends and that's how her father had decided that avyan was the best choice for her. He was  always an ambitious  man and when time came he proved himself by clearing all the army exams and now he was an  captain in the Indian army. Serving in darjeeling  just now.

Both of them  always knew about their betrothal and cause of that loved each other since the time they din know the meaning of love itself. They got married before 2 years and their happiness knew no bounds. A happy giggling mrunal had brought all the elements missing in the ever so serious avyan's life. There worlds  had united in the best possible way and since then they had spent  a beautiful time together. His work kept him busy and whenever he got tym with her, avyan made sure that she  had the best of his time. He pampered her with gifts, food, cuddles and love. He loved her immensely  and so did mrunal.
Last time when he left, which was about 4 months before, he had promised her that he would come early and he would get more leaves this time. But mrunal's prayers had been answered  early this tym and before he could get a chance  to come home, mrunal got this opportunity to go his place and mrunal obviously  had grabbed this opportunity  with both her hands.  Mrunal is physiotherapist  by  profession and her hospital had tied up recently with government to help and provide support  to the armed forces. The notice said that,it was a 15 days camp to darjeeling  and interested doctors can apply in the HOD office. As soon as she had  read darjeeling  she knew this was her chance to  meet her husband and her excitement  for  this camp had increased many folds.
      She was thinking all this when  she heard the train honk and in a minute  after that the train came to an stand still! She had arrived to her destination. She quickly took her luggage  and stepped out of the train,she's need the station for that familiar face and after about 2 minutes, which she felt like ages, she saw him waving at her from a distance, and she ran as fast as she could to reach him. Avyan  hugged her immediately, and thus, the wait was over!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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