chapter 4

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YunSeo's POV

i smiled to my self as i browse through the internet. i felt happy and relieved that the fans loved us, and are rooting for us. it's been two weeks when we got assembled, and i became close to almost everyone. they are so funny, and i enjoyed spending time with them. but i just can't shake the weird feeling i would sometimes feel when i am around a member. i just felt special after that interaction with yooyeon, so i felt really happy that she would tell me how thankful she was.

she would tell me how she has been thinking of how to thank me that time, but she ended up acting strange. i felt comfortable to everyone as well as we spend more time with each other. but some of them are just not that close like how i am close with some of them. so, it's a bit awkward everytime i am left with that or those member/members. but that doesn't mean we don't talk to each other, it just don't feel very close. one of them is sohyun. i once asked jiwoo if she don't like talking at all, or if she hates me, but jiwoo said that she was just shy.

i really want to be close to her, but i am quite embarrassed and shy to approach her. her appearance can attract a lot of people, and i would be lying if i said that she's not my type. o, she's so my type. people will probably wonder and think about it if i ever revealed it to the public, but i like girls. perhaps because of my trauma from a guy? who knows.

"unnie.." sullin knocked on mine and her's shared room, calling me before she entered the room. "what is it?" i asked her as i set my phone down, "i.. just want to ask something.." she looked down on her hands that are resting on her lap, making me worried. i didn't answer and instead, waited for her to continue. "is it normal to.." she stopped once again and pursed her lips, before letting her eyes meet mine. "i know it's so sudden but, is it normal to, you know, like a girl?" she shook her head, probably embarrassed.

"are you okay?" i asked her first before i took her hands on mine. "tell it to unnie, did something weird happen?" she looked at me and pouted "i think i like someone, and i thought you'll find me weird because of liking girls, so.." i smiled at her, trying to bring the younger one more comfort. "it is not bad to like a girl, sullin. it's love and feelings, you can't control it. and with love, everything is fine. same gender or different, as long as it is love.." sullin looked at me, teary eyed, before she sniffed and hugged me.

"i'm glad that the first person i told this, is not disappointed.." i looked at her and peeked on her face "w-why would i be disappointed?" i asked her, watching as she wipes her tears away "i don't know, i'm scared. some finds these kind of people weird and annoying.." with that, i smiled to her warmly, again. "well, i'm not one of them. it's fine for me, and for everyone from the group as well. so don't worry, sullin. if someone ever tried bragging you and bullying you about that, call yunseo unnie, e?" she nodded her head and smiled at me, chuckling as she noticed my expression.

"you looked like a proud bunny, unnie. it's funny" i scoffed in a playful manner and fixed her hair instead, trying to get more informations from her. "you might be wondering about the girl i like.." she said, making me nod. "it's.. it's actually someone close to you... and me.." pointing to herself and me, i immediately realized what she mean. it's a member, isn't it? "a member? who's that girl?" i grinned as i saw her red face, indicating that she's either embarrassed, or liking it. "secret for now, unnie. and you know what, you and suhyeon unnie looks good together, but soomin kept on saying that you looks better with yooyeon unnie." i laughed at her statement and messes her hair, fixing it right away.

"what do y'all mean? isn't that a bit weird?" i asked to which she just sighed. "i don't know, maybe i just like seeing you together? probably same with soomin. she kept on bragging how she likes you both. mainly because you two are very pretty." again, i chuckled and sighed afterwards. shipping me with someone, isn't that weird?

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