No Matter What

20 1 3

Language: English

Rating: Mature

Ship: Flaky X Lifty or Lifty X Flaky

Tags: Mention of Depression, FlakyXLifty, Shifty did something wrongg, flaky is dead but lifty can only see her, toothy has a canon age?! (jk, I made that up)


(Sunday, 5:59 am, Flaky's House)

A warm sunlight shined through the house, flaky shifted into her sleep, she had been taking care of Lifty, who was, trying to change ever since his "Brother" had...Done something to one of the Generic Tree Friends or Town's people, and it was not good or kind at all...And that got him arrested...

Flaky rolled over to the side, to find out that Lifty wasn't in bed, he had woken up very early than before...

Flaky yawned and fixed her bed, she sighed and went to the bathroom...After a few minutes, Flaky got out of the bathroom and heard a few noises coming from the kitchen and decided to leave the other decorations in the paper bag for the party...


"Gosh darn it! Uh, Flakes, don't come here!" A voice called out, trying to do something as the voice was sweating and was asking her not to come but she did anyways...In that moment, she entered a scene where, Lifty tried making a delicious apple pie for her as expected...His hands trembled as the pie was burned yet again...

His tail dragging a broom and a few whipped creams in behind, he carefully cleaned the floor next to the oven, it was dusty and dirty from the pie...

"Are you planning on...Making pies again?" Asked Flaky, she was more concerned for him rather than the pie he made, she walked slowly towards lifty with a tissue

"Uh...Well...Yeah, I was...And it's not because that-" Before Lifty could finish his sentence, Flaky cleaned a small dirt of the pie crust with the tissue, he was blushing at this point and realized, that he'd forget about himself getting dirty...

He looked at the time, 6:04 am in the morning and he looked at the messy recipe book next to the burnt pie, he noticed that ever since he entered Flaky's house, he was acting like an idiot more than a typical I-Know-Everything-Unless-It's-Stealing of a kind...

He looked at Flaky, and then at his hands, he felt the crispy and burned crusty pies...And stared at it, thinking it was those golds or even coins he kept staring at it, remembering all those good times with his brother, Shifty...

Flaky, who was more concerned for him, reached out for his hands, who was still shaking...She took his hands and gently reached out for something...Like a support...Or a newfound relationship than his own brother...

A small part of her, was trying to enter his heart and mind, because of his troubled past...And he knew that nothing was ever going to change...Like him and her...

"I just...It's just that...You have a serious disorder...Actually, two disorders... One was ASD or Acute Stress Disorder and Anxiety Disorder...While me and my brother has Kleptomania...Though, he did something very wrong...And that got him a life in prison while I've got 3 months in prison before I was released...From my cell..." Lifty said, his eyes started to water with tears, his voice raspy and in-pain, his breathing labored, his hands shook more violently while Flaky held them gently, he knew what was going on...

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